HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-09-06 Hampton September 6, 1956. Darlington Township Council met in the Township Hall on the above date, Members present Deputy Reeve Rickard, Councillors Stevens, Osborne and Blanchard. Moved by A. BlanchaYd and 0. Osborne that Deputy Reeve Rickard be appointed Chairman. Carried. Moved by Councillors Stevens and Osborne that the minutes of August 2nd meeting be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Osborne and Blanchard that the minutes of Aug. i 21st meeting be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Stevens and Blanchard that the minutes of Aug. 30th meeting be adopted as read. Road Committee reported on gravel pit onGilroy Farm. Moved by Councillor Osborne and Blanchard that the Council recommend to Mr. Jones V.L.A., that he try to arrange to change plans for Mr. Edward' s house to comply with the Building By-Law. Moved by Councillors Stevens and Blanchard that Nelson Plan be held over for further consideration. Moved by Councillors Stevens and Blanchard that Road Committee and Road Supt. investigate John Polak complaint and recommend action. Moved by Councillors Blanchard and Stevens that School Area Board be given authority to bring water to Township ditch south of Township Hall. Moved by Councillors Stevens and Osborne that road to Chester Borek' s be examined and suitable action taken. Moved by Councillors sborne and Blanchard that Road Supt. be authorized I to purchase culvert at a cost of approximately $369.00 Moved by Councillors Osborne and Stevens that Councillor Blanchard investigate complaint of Hampton W.I. re weeds on village street with power to act. Moved by Councillor Stevens and Blanchard that the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to sign cheques drawn on either the general or special account in such amounts as may be authorized by Jackson,Ypes and Aasociates, Architectes for South Darlington To n- ship Area Jchool Board. Moved b,, C6uncill6rsr31anchard and Stevens that in order to co-operate with the Tyrone Circuit Church Board that consent be given to sale of property Sim to Fleming, without charge. By-law 2059 , A&ULBY--1A-YLwas given its several readings and ordered signed ,sealed and numbered 2059, Ist reading ordered on motion of Uouncillor Stevens, 2nd Reading ordered on motion of Councillor Osborne, 3rd reading ordered on motion of Councillor By-law 2058, Blanchard. 2nd.DR-k, B� law was given its several readings and ordered signed, sealed and numbered 2050. Ist reading ordered on motion of Councillor Stevens. 2nd reading ordered on motion of Councillor Osborne and 3ru it--ading ordered on motion of Councillor Blanchard, Moved by Councillors Blanchard and Stevens that Clerk order10000 trees for Township Reforestation. Moved by Councillors Osborne and Blanchard that road accounts totalling be paid as presented. Moved by Councillor Stevens and Osborne that general accounts totalling 'be paid as presented. Moved by Councillors Osborne and Blanchard that Clerk give letter that Township has no objection to gravel lease on Carl Down' s Beach, subject to approval of Department of Mines of Ontario. Page 2 Sept. 6, 1956. Moved by Councillors Blanchard and Osborne that Road Supt. purchase 6 ft. of 36 inch culvert for Base Dine east of Cemetery Road. Moved by Councillors Osborne and Stevens that the meeting be adjourned to the call of the Reeve. e Reeve Clerk.