HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-11-15 i November 15, 1956. Darliidgton Township Council met on the above date in the Township Hall, Hampton, Reeve Nichols presiding. Present were Deputy Reeve Garnet Rickard, and Councillors Stevens and Osborne. Mr. T.K.Creighton appeared re application for annexation of Lot 8, B.F.Concession, Darlington , by the Town: of Bowmanville. On motion of Councillor Stevens and Deputy Reeve Rickard a By-law to By-Law authorize an agreement with the Town of Bowmanville with respect to annexation of Annexation. land in the Township was given its first and second readings. Moved by Councillors Osborne and Stevens that the Deputy Reeve and the Road Supt. be authorized to meet with the Reeve of Clarke to try to get action on Townline Road. t Moved by Councillors Osborne and Stevens that this Council agree to pay one-half the cost of construction on the Townline Road in the 6th Concession of Darlington, machinery costs to be charged at the rate of $3.00 per hour for trucks $ 5.00 for Graders and $6.00 for Bulldozer. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Isborne that Clerk be instructed to write Counties' Clerk to the effect that this Council feels that the intersection of County Road No. 1 and Scugog Road is not adequately protected by warning signs. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Stevens that the Road Supt® be given authority to authorize locations of gas main installations by Consumer' s Gas Company, or, to refer same to Council at his discretion. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Osborne that Clerk contact garble Fly Inspector asking him to collect unpaid Cattle Spraying accounts. Moved by Councillor Osborne and Deputy Reeve Rickard that Council form a Court of Revision. Moved by Councillor Stevens and Deputy Reeve Ricard that taxes on V..J.Stew-art property in Lot 8, B.F. amounting to 426.43 be cancelled. Appeals were heard as follows: S. Turner 8 Mo. on barn $2000. $ 77.77 - R.Cowling 11 Mos. on house 700. 37.43 Solway 4 Mos. Barn $400. 7.11 Allin 1 yr. Bldg. $ 250. 14.58 Gallagher 1 yr. Land % Bldg �WO.00 Smith 11 Mos. Bldg. : 650. 34.76 Millson 6 Mos. Barn $150. 2 Mos. Barn $$950. 13.15 R. Hooey Poll Tax 10.00 Cancelled 4t: i�eGa� I Yf77 Co77t6raL1,-rS '572-20 Droved by Counillor Stevens and Deputy Reeve Rickard that appeals be granted as listed above. On motion Court adjourned and Council resumed Session. Moved by Councillors Stevens and Osborne that Road Supt. be authorized to have ditching done , cost not to exceed $500.00, provided that payment can be made for s&ae in 1957. Moved by Councillor Stevens and Deputy Reeve Rickard that Council adjourn to meet December 6, 1956 at 1.30 P.M. 1 REM CLERK