HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-05-06 6, lo4g.
Darlington Council met this d,-=.y with the :,,,!embers all -present.
The mi=ates of the last meeting were read and on motion adopted as, read.
Mrs. Cole was called to ex-plain why the Delegation was oresent. Maey wanted to
know who was going to pay for cutting the grass in the Park,
On motion this Council -oroauxe two signs to be erected at Park Entrance. Signs to
read "Elliott Memorial Park" maintained by the Township of Darlington.
On motion this Council -pay for the cutting of the grass in the Park.
Co=--ication was read from the Health Unit regarding age
., the prodding of garb
dumps for the convenience of the ratepayers.
On motion the Road Supt. and Councillor in each di-idion look over
and try to -,rocure lard for dump and report at next meeting.
Co Cation was received- fron, 7".1.2ently,County Weed Inspector asking that a,
local Teed inspector be appointed. dr. G.F.Annis was a-moointed Weed inspector.
Mr. Coulson visited the Co?,:mcil and explained the Unemployment Insurance,those
-oermanent!7- eM-1Dl0YSd- not insurable, those not -)enraanentl7 e=loyed are insurable
providing they have worked not less them 29 days in the year.
On motion the bills were maid as read.
The Reeve read a letter from Mr. Christian re- road to his pro-perty,Lot 15 B.F.Conc.
On motion the Clerk write 111r. Marcirlov and have them visit the office to make
some -)ermanent arrangemimt, for this -piece of lane in question cut off by ditch,
Roy He G411 read a letter from Mr. John Rogers re-water washing his road. 1-This
matter was left in the hands of the Road Supt. and Roy McGill.
Road 9,-,ot. -oresented his report and vauchers for A-oril which wereor. motion
ordered t0 be paid.
On motion the meeting adjoux-ned.
The following 'bills were pai d10
Dr G.J.Austin Indigent IT.O.H. 13-650
'Rowman7ille F.U.C. 120,100 W. Frosted lemps 30-24
Doug 'Barton Sheep Damages 95,00
71 .,T,Woodley Sheep Inspection 3-000
Treas. City of Oshawa Relief Knight. 33.60
P.B.Byam Relief Zones 16.77-
Da-Puy PegistrS-- Search & Description of e -ProPerties 5-030
Bowman7ille ?.U.C. Hampton Street Lighting 110,100
:Bowmanville P.1T.C. Service Charges Town Hall 4.05
Bell Telephone Co. Service Charges 3005
Claud Smith Relief 21.25-
Mrs. Idinnie Hunt 'Housekeeper 35000
John Bisho-o Relief lL3*76
KrsI U
. Violet Hudson Relief 15-00
Mrs. MacDonald Rent. Mrs. Hud-son 6.00
J.D.Hogarth April I 9alary 145-'00
T.D.Hogarth Excise and. pozl .gs 30
J.D.aga---th 2 cord (Single Wood 120-50-
IL-s. 11.tildan. Strong Relief 21.00-
Mr. Harold quarrie Clatting, grass in park 7.00
=73 Y 41