HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-06-03 7, 1948. Darlington Council met this day with all Yembers present. The mi ted of last meeting were read and on motion were ado-pted as read. co cation. was read from the Ontario ',5=i pal Board stating that the Tovm-ship did not need their appro7al re® Dog By-Law. On motion the council instmetea mr. A L, �niison to -roceed with the dog situation in On T,--otion the Clerk write the De-ot. of Fish and Mialiffe Division re- 7,7-Lar to -protect rabbits and pheasants. Co=anice.tion was read, from the Women's Institate (Tyrocre) re® riding bicycles on side. v7a2-1,,. Clerk to write the-Itmicipal World for info=ation. Co .,kation. was read from W.R.Strome r-strip of land bet7een Lots 3 3., Cor.® A Fmnll�ed. f or an adv arca an Teacher'ss salarl vs s'° 0-10 S7000.00. T Ehe Clerk was ad,7,r�sed to write the De-pt of Highways regarding a --U.17ert at Lots 20 & 21 om No. 2 Highway as this CU-17er-L, is not large enough to carry the 77a ter across Highway No. R. ,,7he bills were real and on motion ordered to be -paid as read.® Mr. P. Bentl-Y,Gounty Weed Inspector aadzessedd this Council re- �eedS. the Road 5�xot. presented his re-port and. vo-ac'ners vKaic-h -7-ere on mo ti on accented and vo-tichers ordered to be -caid. On motion the Coljmc-;l ad,-1;ouxned to meet Jul? 2,1945. The following 'bills were ppldoo Bell 'Telehone Co. . Service char-es CD 3'23 Provincial 1'rea-s® In'salin 4.23 Northa,att & Smith Almbz-aance & Funeral Services (Baby T ab 1)) 45-COO Thos. 71-i-lilier Co. Act'l -Issess Act. 2.,25 Sheo-oard & Gill Relief Fuel(Bishop) 340'129 .To'rr,l Baker Sheeler damages 10,00 17.J.Iffooaley Sheep Inspection 3.50 J.D.Hogar th Msgr salary -145.00 J.D.Hogarth Excise & Postage 5.75 01--aud sm-i th Relief 210;25 IL-s. !,Iinnie *-P=t Holasekee-oer 750bo John Bi shop Relief 43.79 Mrs. Viols, Adson Relief 15.00 lb?s. MacDonald Pent for Mrs. 'Ho-dson 6.00 7,:ars. 1, - 11 lat;Ida Strong Relief 21,00 Grant, Ca--nochan Relief 19-45 F.L..Bram Relief (Jones) 1,q.41 Counties' Iteas. Hospitalization 74-03 Harold r&r Cutting grass in Park 9 Fo 0 , H.0.W.Mills Ha ling relief fuel 1,70