HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-07-02 I Hampton, Ju2,- 2, 1945. Darlington Council met this day with Members all present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion adopted as read,' P.I,Bently addressed the Council re-spraying weeds and brash on road.s,and asked the Council if they had decided on the roads and mileage to be done. This was left in the hands of the Road Supt,? and respective Councilman in the Division,,, in which the spraying is to be done. The Auditor presented his report for 1947 which was on motion accepted and he was ordered to be paid. Mr. S.R.James and Mr. Young visited the Council re Liability INsurance full coverage on Buildins,Machinery and all operations $354;'89 premium on coverage 20,000,40,000 and 3,000. On motion of A. Millson and R.W Vichols this Council retain the Liability Insurance held by Mr. Parrinder until expiry date and thenrenew in the above Insurance Co. of S.R.James. Moved by Harold Skinner seconded by Roy Nichols that A. Millson Roy McGill and W.L.Miller be a Committee to settle the matter of pine trees with Mr. Stark. Carried, Road Sapt, presented his report and voncherenfor June which were on motion accepted and vouchers ordered to be paid. By-law J1145 was introdnces,given its several readings and passed signed sealed and numbered for borrowing $15,000,' By-Law + 1146 to regulate the keeping of eows,swine,rabbits,mink,foxes or other animals or kennels for breeding or boarding of dogs or cats within defined areas of the Municipality was introduced,and on motion given its several MOO ings and ordered to be signed sealed and munbered. By-low # 1147 to provide penalty for breach of any Municipal.. By%-:yaw was i utroduned and on motion given its several readings,and ordered to be signed sealed and numbered, On motion of R.W Nichols and H. Skinner the Council pay 60¢ per hoar for 5 labourers,to take effect July 1st:' Council,on motion adjourned to meet August 5th,at S o°clock P.T . The following bills were paid: Sturat R. James Insurance Prem;! Fidelity Bond $ 20000 Thos Whillier & Co Tax Deeds 12,57 Norman J. Woodley Sheep Inspection 7.00 Boyd Ayre Sheep Damages 30.00 Bell Telephone Co Service Charges 8,Z6 J.D,Hogarth June Salary 147.50 J.D.Hogarth Excise and Postage 3.50 Claud. Smith Relief 21.25 Mrs. Minnie Hunt Housekeeper 35 bO John. Bishop Relief 43,7g Grant Carnocban Relief 1%45 Mrs. Gustave Long Relief 30.00 Mrs. Ada Long Belief 20.00 Harold Quarry Cutting grass i n park 16*75 GeF'.Annis Sheep Inspection 3,20 Gerry Glaspell Sheep Damages 40100 Ray J. Dilling Audit Fees 100;00 N.RoWestlake Advance on Teacher's Salaries S.S.# 14 200000