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October 7, 1949.
Darlington Council met this day with the Memebers all present,
The Clerk was instructed to notify the Relief Inspector that the relief being
paid to John Bishop was too great and for him to investigate.
Reeve reported on meeting East Whitby Council and R.W.Nichols reported having
met Mr. Anderson re- water at Preston's.
The Clerk was instructed to write A.B.Wheatley, District Forester,Lindsay,
and ask for a date to be set by him to meet the Council to appoint a sub. game warden
n _
for the Township,
The Communications were read which were on motion filed.
The Bills were read and on motion ordered to be paid,
By-?yaw f 1150 was introduced and on motion given its several readings and
ordered to be signed sealed and numbered,setting the rates of Dog Taxes,'
The Clerk was ordered to write Chas. A. Poynton and state that the Council will
take the matter of a bill to Oshawa Wood Products for forming lumber for culvert
built at Rundles up with the Dept. of Highways.
Walter Parrinder visited the Council re- Liability Insurance. He stated that
he did not intend to make any application for Insurance.
The Road Supt, presented his report and Vouchers for September which were
on motion accepted and vouchers ordered to be paid,
The C,-uncil adj°ours&-to meat November 4th at 1,30 P*M,
The following bills were paid:
Bell Telephone Co. Ser7ice charges 3.34
Geo, A. Barron and Son:' Gas for Park grass mer 2,190
Stuart R. James, Prem. on Policy ;t 100037 32;20
J.D.Hogarth Sept, Salary 147150
J,D,Hogarth Excise and Postage 5,00
Arthur Found Sheep damages 15000
G.F.Aaanis Sheep Inspection 2,40
Art Millson 2 Informations 2;00
Mrs, Etta Page Witness Fees 3:00
Mrs. Howard Stevens Witness Pees 3-00
Walser Reynolds. Sec. Federation of Agrictal.ture 934,14
Relief 23935 s