HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-07-07 Hampton.,JU27 7,1949. Darlington Cou-n-cil 11� et t1his 6ay with De7:Lt7 Reeve NiChOls i"T the CI-Laix'.The minji-tes of the last meeting were read and or motion were adopted as read-Reeve Millson and CoUnC41JCr McGill came in at t1rfls time amd Reeve 111illson in the chair proceed-ecl wit'", the meeting. r.Grant addressed. the meeting re;surfaceing of road. fram Couttice to the OsInaws- Food. 5rod.acts Flant,a distance of 1.3 miles at a cost of approxitelt' 81100.00.This matter Was left 07e= for fU--tlle= C0-ISi6er-_-),t;_0II. The Council agreed to -pay one half of the allowable for funeral e.-me-nees of an i=te d-TinZ in the County Home. !,L- ad-dzessed. the Counc-il re:new ty-pewrite= for the To�.mdhip Office.This was not ante r taimed.Mr.Y..Heard appealed to the Council to have the road East of Ennisldlleza treated with Calcium Chloride as fax as !,,LTilton Staintons to relieve the dlist naisance and forte benefit of his young tma.The 0c,,q=c;1 as-reed to son Vaom is afflicted 7rith Asth do what they could. in this zwegard- On motion the cozi-cil agreed to change the account for George Talbb from H.G.Gill to Ra7monuq Davey. Commazlicatio�s were read from IiIrs James Kerr and Canadian Paraplegic Association asking for assistance to Mr.James Kerr who had met with an accident.This was not, entertained. Com=".-,,ms read from the Secretary of the 3oTman7ille Hospital regar ing money for their 3-ailding F-and,as by-lar had not been put before the ratepayers there YTas no action taken. R.J.Dining reported a 'balance of $11.000.00 of outstanding taxes as of Jone, 30th,1340 The bills were read and on motion were ordered to be paid. 71he Road Supt.presented his report and vouchers for June which were on motion accepted and 7aachers ordered to be -paid. il/ 37.-Law 741153 was introduced amd on motions given, its several readings and ordered to be si signed sealed and mumbered-This 37. -Law was for the borrowing of $20,000.00. The Secretary of South Darlington Area School Board asked for an advance of t5,000.00 S.S.4 1Ll, asked for an advance of $300.00. The following bills were paid,- City of Oshawa, Relief 9.73 W.J.Henderson Sheep Damages 25.00 G.F.Anni s Sheep Insp. 3- 70 DOne7alll & RiD ChaXaS SUrVe7 64-79 Toronto Stationary Supplies Sup-plies 3.gQ Tnalls Gwoceteria Relief 65.00 Hell Telephone Co. Services 3.65 Bo=an7ille P.U.0. Light & Service 2.43 F.I,,.3yam Relief 20.16 J.D.Hoearth June Salary 147-50 7.1).Hogarth ExcI se & Postage 4.00 h _ lirs E.Ticks Care for I'L's Robson 15.00 Mars Ada Long Relief 20.00 Clsa.Lae Smith -Relief 21.25 Mrs.1ilinnie Hunt Housekeeper 35000 Hire Olga Christian Relief 50-00 John 3;_shop Relief 25000 Dorothy Snowden Post Sane Care 3-0.00 3owmanville P.TJ.C. Street Li`htin- 73-33 He C"v Gill Relief 136.13 See.S.S.14 300-00 A.11i;11 s o n Trans.(Whaley) 15-00 ,rtart.= B.Finzaie Childrens Aid 3.45 M.J.Hobbs Sec.S.D.A.S.B. 5,000,CO Roads & 3--idges, -hint.? Re�)airs 2,m23.61 Council adia-L-rned to meet kuguest 4th. Clerk Reeve.