HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-09-01 C�-,Uncil -�-_-et tnis da.7, the Ree7e '�e=­7LerS S,17rege:a 7 p -=-eetima� were ref, and on =ot4 on of Nichols an,-3 Fr. SL-;T 1 _�_,Tates of - ,.st z ad 7sre acce-oted as read. ce re sale of I acre n.i o �7,o read IIrs. J.O�jurll_ for -arlm--e fc.=-,,axded to TiIrs. llourtice for sane. T' "�� _'­'­ 1'omtv ',.a t ch. ML+1_C 3 ,C! 2-CI aM,-1 7.;C1 " -' �,,ran C_ r1O -yas fo=,,)a de ri to Domis. 0 Qn Moti,­a o" YicIiolz and H Chard --D el-ai s on -Ca's --ram-'e-1 `or,_e.1V1c�e 7.0 0 e held Ln the 17, o-,,nsh�-o Fz,17. for I momlt7 suIject to ca:ace-latior l7 i7 Cuumcil at a , -�:S. 2:�y -:na - lbe held -wee -1 aad anyz exl:)emses that• ma77- be _.,�e e tin--s _nauzred are to 'be of the Pentecostal Clmroh. 7 1.�ett-r froml Tr-astees of S.S.t 16, En-nis'til -le-2 fOr cm T__ 7 Sa j .6 - .17F 1 -7- 1-,, for t he 7borrovj�xig of '83 �0 :aaw� 154, - 16 4o, OA -From the 3azn�,- of real ,las on - m -:7 and R. 1.F-I,�Lnd and- 3 ra rea-9 inzs and ordered to be si,�7�ea 0 7e-_1 ftS and sealeC,. Z 1, 37-'37for the of ",93,400.00 -a-pon De-bento def a7� the cost of the and furnishing, of two schools of t-,,7o rocms each to be erecte-C-L in the :5°�,at,h Darlim-tor To—,mshi-) School Area 7�as -,mtro6mced. '"In motion of Mr. Yc ihols and '11r. it Was 2'1 en i`1's 1st, and. 2="' readiags, read;­ for it to 'be for7waraed to Toronto. INTici-101s an _J1 07 ea d seconded 'by Hr. R;ckard the To-.7mslai-r. rate of tu=t1ion be set at 0, rats of .17s. 'he 3i! 12 -7,e7-e read amd. on mot-ion of HicIllols azd ".1r. 7ere ,05 a as read. Road Su t. -oresen' ted hi' s re-7:ort and Touchers for Aagu-st here on molion acce-, t--1 ,and bills ordered t1c lbe -paid. On motion of 111:z% Yicho.Ls krd "Ir. Ri.&I=a' mmseti�n-2� vias adjourned -1,10 meet cr October Pere -0eia: Be 7 "Pe , =­hone Co. of Can. Ser7iCe Cha- L,..o4 Ambjll-amce service tC '17oronto 00 ('Go Tab-b) Cm L-Tedical 8er7ice!;(.,T1rs T. Co,,77 ing) Qac(f Cbt J.Au s t i -:e�ief � 1'reas® 0 sha-ua 9-73 J.D.Hoggarth AuEust salary 1417.00 J.D.7 0--ar Ih RC1 Se and Fos-a,:-�e u Claud smi t1h, 21.2 C5 -/,P-,.0, 0 , - -oer H=, Hou se ee J�Ima Eisho-o -Reli e f" 25.00 S-=7,,de-n Fos'. Sa;n. Care 3 6.,DO Florence Vag Pest 1ost Sam, Care 46s Gi2,1 ,d" Relief -zLong 20m00 Trems,S.S.T to Loan on Teacher' s Salaries 1000.00 Ray-mond. �av97 Groceries Talo-b 26.73 Carl Do=, Grant Duurham 1-11m)-gh1mg Match i5.or-% '',1rs. '"Yi®j®C oliar t,i C e 1 acre !and for Tovpashi-p Dvm� L-)0.00 Mrs James Ker-- r3z 2;.00�___ 7,( _71Z.:72