HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-05-25 The Cornell of the Township of Darll .d a special meetin- In the after-noon of May 25tho 1949, at the 4L�� off�-�",_ce of Roy Nichols to conn der the a new building by-law. After making an, ins pect ion of different bsidered the uildings in the the councA.U con amendment of the present Township of Dax,1J1.ngtM by-law -Md also went over the Baot Uhitby By-law, it was moved b,,,r Roy Nichols <Ind seconded by Roy McGill that P. J. Parkh, .Lll be as Solicitor to r:v e s t ic� -laws and to chqaft a suitable by-law for ,ate other by 'IU.he Township of D,. rlingtozi and to act as advisor, Vnen --equested by the, officials. Ca-rried. It waz moved 11by Garnett Rickard and seconded by Harold Skimier that CheCouncil eni:,age W162.11mr M-�:".gins as baile'.11,nS A ixizpector. Ca,­ried. There be:LnC, no further buslness,, the meetlng -was adjouimed. REM CLMK