HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-07-06 Hampton, July 6, 1950@ Darlington Council met this day with Reeve Millson presiding8, all Members present, The minates of the last meeting were read and on motion accepted as read. Communication was read from Hampton Foments Institute re- appointment of Park Commission. On motion of R.W.Richols and R. McLaughlin Austin Barron, Gerald Balson. and Fred Payne were appointed, Fred Payne to be Treass- Coication was read. from G.K.Hardy complaining that his road was in bad condition. This was left in the hands of Road Supt. and R. McLaughlin. Clerk- was to have a By-Law prepared to cower the erection of signs on Township Roads' On motion of R,W.Hichols and H, Skinner the Clerk have papers of agreement to be signed by relief recipients to the effect that the Township shall be reinbtarsed from the property they own when and if this property is sold or changes bands's- Communication from Fred Stevens asking $50000 for " An agreement was drawn zap regarding the water drainage for Air F,I,.Stevens to sign after which he would be paid $50.00 -1a 1. 61 for building was xsed. a second time aa�. s By-Law baz�. � ..y ignea0' On motion of G.Rickard. and R.WoXichols the Hospital Rate be kept on an even mill rate for a period of three years, By-lo-w J 1160 was given its several readings and passede' County Rate 15,23 Mills, Township rate 12.937 Mills, Hospital Rate 2 Mills*'; Road Supt,` presented his report and Vaachers for June which were on motion accepted and vouchers ordered to be paid.' On motion the meeting adjourned to meet August 3, 19500' The following bills were paid. City of Ashawa Relief (Kichko) 17.46 Solina General Store Relief groceries (Baker) 19.01 Sydney Worden Sheep damages 43.00 G.F.Annis Sheep inspection 2.50 E.F.Beckstead Groceries (Butson) 16.25 Bell Telephone Co, Service charges 3.30 Canadian Statesman Advt. sensor 2x'22 Counties' Clerk Hospitalizatiob 36012 Mrs. Ada Longa Relief 20:00 Claud Smith Relief 21.25 Mrs. M. Hunt. Housekeeper 35:00 Mrs. John Bishop Relief 25:00 J.D,Hogarth June Salary 175.00 J.D,Hogarth Postage & Excise 5.00 H.J.Woodley Sheep inspection 3:00 Cawkert s Grocery Relief ( Ri etts-JasaQ) 4.°99 2,F,Beekstead Fire etc. ( :sant pens) 940 0 Roads & Bridges Maint. & Repairs 23490'79 b' r� . d�C9.t"Jtl�7e iv •� �� �.+.>aec`y.�'a,+S,�"'"�4,, � �r CLE •• e s �• e �