HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-09-07 Hampton, Sept. 7th., 1950.
Darlington Council met this evening with the Members all present except O.B.
Rickard. The minutes of the last meetings were read and on motion accepted as read.
Road Supt. presented his report and vouchers for Aujgast which were on motion
ado-oted and vouchers ordered to be paid.
The Treasurer -oresented his bills which were on motion accepted and ordered to
be -oaid.
Moved by R.W.Nichols seconded by H. Skinner that the Clerk be instructed to
engage lawyer to take necessary sreps to have householder remedy living quarters
according to Building By-3aw, in force.
Clerk to contact E.A.Weri
-y for wood for Claud Smith.
By-law # 1163 to borrow $20,000.00 was passed.
Mr. A. J. Parkhill visited the Council and advised the Council that a hearing
had been granted for Municipal Building ByIaw.December 5th., 1950.
Moved by R. McLaughlin seconded by G.B.Rickard that the Council instruct
the Clerk to get 2500 co-pies of By law (Building) printed or mimeographed and to
mail them to each resident and property holder in the Township of Darlington as well
as notice of appointment for hearing by the Municipal Board.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
The following bills were ordered to be paid**
Provincial Treasurer Insulin 4.65
City of Oshawa. Relief Kichko 9-73
Hi.,Zon Electric Bulbs Hampton Streets 3.36
Dr C. J. Austin Medical Relief Calls 29.00
Dr. C.W.Slemon Medical Relief Call 6.00
Bell Telephone Co, Service Charges 6-39
Counties' Treasurer Hospijtalization 33.50
Z,F.Beekstead Relief Batson 3.1-32
F.L.Byam Relief Cornish 167-37
Solina Gen. Store Relief Baker 22,10
Claud Smith Relief 21.25
Mrs. M. Hunt Housekeeper 35-00
Mrs. John Bishop Relief 25*00
Mrs. Ada Long Relief 20,00
Mrs. Bernice Smith Relief 16.00
Miss Mande Bailey Relief 22-50
J.D.Hogarth August Salary 175000
J.D.Hogarth. Excise & Postage 5.00
A. Perry Pheasant Brooder Pens 40-00
G.F.Amnis Sheep inspection 2.50
Grant Bemmett Sheep Damages 9100
Conly Battams Killing 2 dogs 10*00
E.W.Webber Treas. South Ont. Agric. Society Grant ?5-40
G.F.Gamey.Sec-meas. West Central Durham Fair,Orono. Grant 75-00
Roads & Bridges
Reeve Clerk.