HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-10-05 Hampton, October 5th., 1950.
Darlington Council met this day with the Members all present. Minutes of the last
meeting were read and on motion adopted as read.
,T,W,Watson addressed the meeting re-condition of road to his place at
Cedar Crest Beach. On motion of R. McLaughlin and R.W.Nichols the Council will
look over this road.
On motion of R.W.Hichols and R.McLaughlin this Council will meet Neil Fraser
on Tuesday Oct. 10th., at 2.15 P.Mlo
George Tabb applied for relief. This was left in the hands of the Cle3Fr,.
Mr. Hancock addressed the Council re-road on Town Line. Reeve and Road Supt,
to loolz into this matter,
Communication was read from V,L.A. re-Road allowance at hots 34&35 Con.2.
On motion of R.W.Nichols and G.B.Rickard the Clerk to write and advise V,L.A. that
the incoming Council would be advised and that this road would be constructed
in Year 1951.
On motion of G.B.Rickard and HSki=e.- this Council purchase a small oil
heater for office.
The Road Supt, presented his report and vouchers for September which were
on motion accepted and vouchers ordered to be paid.
The School Area Board attended. the Council. Mr. Watson addressed the
Council and Board. Considerable discussion took place regarding the building of
schools at Manle Grove and Courtice. R H rof Ki So * . . &MMEE
p On mo-tion of 141W.Xichals and H. Skinner this Council pay Wm. Higgins 90� of the
amount taken in Building Permits,
Meeting adjourned.
The following- bills were paid:
Bell Tele-,,Dhone Co. Service charges 9.30
Counties' Clerk Hospitalization 125-50
Higgon Electric Bulbs Hampton Streets 3.3-6
Treas , City of Oshawa Relief SIT
J D.Hogarth Sept. Salary 17-5-00
J:D.Hogarth Excise and. postage 25'00
N,J.Woodley Sheep inspection 4:25
C'Mumford Sheep damage 30400
ZLPickell Ex, to Toronto 12.00
Geo, Aziai s Fix. to Toronto5-00
H.E.P.C. of Ont. Service charges 3.60
Relief 216.44