HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-02-07 Hampton, February 7th., 1952.
Darlington Council met this day with Members all present.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion adopted as read.
A Delegation from South Darlington visited the Council re- brush
on road sides. They asked the Council to clean uu both outside and inside the fences
The Delegation were informed that the farmer's would have tos co-operate in this work.
On motion of E.F.G.dice and. R. McLaughlin the Clerk write C.P.R.
and also send. a 6o�� sof letter to Dept. of Hig1rvaysre- the dangerous condition existing at
the crossing at road allowance between Lots 32 & 33, Con. l.'
On motion the Council agreed to order a 50 ton car of Calci=
On motion the Council agreed to pay to Salvation Army a grant of
The matter of meeting Clarke Council be left for a month.
On motion of Council the resignation of G.F.Anriis be accepted,
but if Mr. Lycett requires Mr. Annist assistance he be allowed to extend his
On m6tion of R. McLaughlin and E.P.C-,Vice the Council send in
$5.00 Membership fee to Good Roads Assoc. and that the Township send L.R.Graham as
delegate with expenses paid.
On motion of H. Skinner and G.B.Rickaxd this Council send in
$5.00 Umberehip fees to Assoc of Rural Municipalities.
On motion ,J.W.Balson was appointed as School Attendance Officer.
On motion T.D,Hogarth be a delegate to Assos of Rural Mun. Convent-
tion and ordinary ezpenses be paid.
The Road Supt, presented his report and vouchers for Jarvaary
The general account bills were presented.
On motion of E.F.G.Vice and G.B.R:ckard the reports be accepted
and all bills be paid.'
RESOLUTION:* Moved by H. Skinner
Seconded by G.B.Rickard
This Council set the date of Court of Revision
so that it will be co=leted before March 15th., 1952.
On motion of E.F.G.Vice and. H. Skinner this Council order
rollers for T.A..40.
On motion of G.B.Ric7m-rd and H. Sicinner the following rates of pay
for 'Township Road Employees as recommended by L.R.Grahan be as follows:
Carl Ferguson Machine Operatot $1.05 per hour
Harold. Gray Truck Driver 1.00 per hour
D.J.Cameron Operator .95 per hour.
Township labour(steady) .90 per hour.
Meeting adjourned to meet March 6th., 1952.
;The following bills were paid:
H.E.P.C.of Ont. Hampton Street Lights 110.00
Hugh Cameron Registrar. Changes of Property 24.40
G.F.Annis Sheep Inspecti h 3.20
.Alfred .Allin Sheep Damages 350'00
Bell Telephone Co. Service charges 5.05
F.L.Byam Relief Groceries (Dec.Jan. P.Wh.ite) 30.70
laud Smith Relief 21.25
s. M. Hash Housekeeper Van Feb 70,00
Mrs. A. Long. Relief 20.00
Mrs. E. Dewell Post San. Care Jan Feb 64.00
Ont. Good Roads Assoc Membership fee 5.00
J.D.Hogarth Salary Jan. 209,25
7b. Lycett Assessor 119.35
Une-sployment Ins. Sta€ups Jan.. 2.16
J.D.Hogarth Excise 3.00
Wt. Lycett Holiday Pay 51.96
G.F.Annis 0 d 40°99
Can, Oil Co. Stove Oil 3 1.75
Ont. Assoc of Rural Mtni.c.' Membership fee 5.00
Luther Stainton Refund on taxes 24g,84
Salvation Army, ran 75.40