HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-05-01 Hampton, MaY 1, 1952® Darlington Cowncil mat. this day with Reeve Nichols presiding® The minutes of the last meeting more read and on motion adopted as read. The arrangement between the Township of Darlington amd a Fork Committee was read. This agreement was sigmed by milared Kersey, Women' s Institsbe; G.W.Chant Athletic Club: Gladys Westlake, Ladles' Service Club: B.Damant, Boy Scouts: J. Macrab, Business Min. "�L On motion of R.M aughlin and H. Skinner the above agreement be adopted Letterywas read from the Dept. of Agriculture re® the appointment of Weed Inspector to assist the Co=ty Inspector® On motion of H. Skinner and E.F.G.Vice, this Coymcil appoint W.R. Pickell as weed. Inspector. Motion was passed to request Ontario Hydro Power Comm. to instal 2 eytra street lights, one on Johns street and one on The Road Supt. presented his report amd vouchers for the month of April which were on motion accepted and vouchers oravred to be id-® T&Tgwniral accounts were raed and on motion ordered to be paid. By-Law # 1179 to establish a Community Centre at Solina, Rod W. Nichols and E. F. G. Vice as Reprelentatives of the Council on Board. Alfred Ayre complained of condition of road allowance between Lots 4 and 5, Con, 1. Garnet Rickard and Road Supt. were appointed to look this over and report. The Clerk was authorized to order 25 tons of Calcium Chloride. Council adjourned. .The following bills were paid: 'phos® Whillier and Sonjtd. Office and Assessor's supplies 119.05 Ireas® Towman7ille Fire Brigade '10.co H.E.F.C. of Ont. Hampton Street Lighting 110.00 Conties' Treas. Hospitalization KIM lor Cleari With Relief 21.25 h0s. =t® ?Axnt Housekteper. 35.00 s® F. Dewell Post San. Care 32.00 J.D.Hogarth April Salary 208.25 J.D.Hogarth Excise and Postage 0.00 Geo® Knox. See-Treas. MR IN Advance 500-00 Bell Telephone Co. Service Charges 6.80 T!, !Tvatt. Assessor— April 28L.56 Unemployment Insurance Stamps Employees for April 3.2C;- t general eneral of Canada Income Tax Maple GO! e Grocer Groceries Nis a nal 21.95 e, its '1Z =R/K