HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-07-03 Hampton, July 3, 1052.
Darlington Council met this day w.'Lth the Reeve presiding.
The minutes of last meeting were read and on motion approved as read®
A Delegation from the different Parsonage Boards was present and a letter
was read from the Tyrine Parsonage Board asking that the taxes on the four Parsonages
in the Township zkmu1dxhmmmxmmpt x� be cancelled and such -oro-Qerty should
be -'--lax free the sane as other church property.
® Kilgour representative of the Ballentine Company addressed. the Council.
re-power loaders®
W.R.Pickell Weed ,Ihspector, reported on vieed conditions®
Clerk to write Boyar inville Tom Clerk re Fire Protection.
a,1r® C. 111adeyski addredded the Council.
The bills were read and on motion craerea to be 7.)aid.
Road Su-ot. -oresented his re-port and vouchers which were on motion acce�tecl
and vouchers ordered to be paid.
On motion of H.Skinner and. E.F.G.Vice the Builainz Ins7oector and the
Sanitazy Inspector clean up conditions existing at -Mr. Kean' s.
Plan of SubdiVision maae by F.J.51onevan for E.D.Follard being parts of
Lots 25, Con. 3 were -oresented and on motion of G.7�.Rickard and H.Skinner Darlington
IoUnC41 approve this plan.J
On motion of 7E.F.G.Vice and R. 'XIcLaughlin Clerk to call for Tenders
on a 4-3
and I yard overhead leader, Tenders to be opened at 8 o'clock, July 21st.,
On motion Council ad�ourned®
The followina- bills were -pa-;d:
Stuart R®James Prem. on Fidelit7 -Bond.Cllerk-Treas. 20.00
Courlzies' i8 easy Hospitalisation k,4�acle -Ye1107-b-DeS)
a 5-50
A.JeLyle Clerk.3o—imanville, Fire Protection 900.00
'2.1,3yam Relief Groceries AprilMay-PereT'Nh-Ite
James Publishino- Co. Printing ns Sig
1_-1 11-55
Bell Tele-chone Co. Service charges 0' 00
Thos v'Vhf-lliler � Son. suz:)-olies 173.80
J.D.Hoqarth June Salary 2 50.00
j.73.Hogarth Excise and Postage 80,00
Maud Smith Relief' 21.21;
' rs. Zvi. -Hunt Housekeeper
Mrs® Ev. Dewell Post San. 'are June-July 00
Mm. Lycett Assessor -401.20
ece L 'eheral of Car.. lnca.m
ve-� e Tax 1 05
Unemployment ins. Stamps June. L.32
Kerry Njdd�--ry Co-ovin7 for Assessor 11. 3
7- .-F.ie}ry Sec -Trews 16 Ad;-,Ince- to Teacher"s Salaries 8500®^C
7.-L,.Bvam Sec-Treas. S.S.-11 18 It
7- 200.00
7 bs Sic-Treas® Advance 7000.OQ
J.Hob Lreas. S.D.A.S.Board,
7.1.,.Byam Relief Groceries-Pat visite for June 12.27
H.W.Mitchell Sec-Treas. Hif-q School Board 9667.52
11ani -L-,) r a
al Wo I 7 Subscriptions 14.00