HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-08-07 Hampton August, 7, 1952.
Darlington Township Council met this day, Ree7e, Nichols presiding.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion adopted
as read.
Reeve reported that the matter of having all church property exempt
from taxes was being looked into further, in an effort to have this Legislation
passed. By-Law # 1180 to establish a Community Centre at Zion was given its.
several readings and ordered to be signed,sealed and numbered.
Reeve Nichols and net Rickard were appointed to represent this
Cauncil on the Foard.
ter® Keen aaWress*W 0 the Council re Hydro to build a house.
On motion of R. Mc aughlin and H. Skinner this Council stand back of
Building Inspector as to buildind restrictions.
By-Law # 1181 to regulate the use of land and. the character, location
and use of buildings and styuctures was given its several readings and ordered to be
handed to R.W.Strike to be placed before the Nknicipal Board for approval.
On motion of H. Skinner and R. MLaughlin this Council gite the
Building Inspector authority to engage L.C.Mason to prosecute any person who contra-
vanes the building 3Y-Law regulations.
On motion of H. Skinner and G.Rickard Parlington Council grant
Oshawa Fair Board "25.00 and Orono Fair AV= as of last year.
Road supt. presented his report and vouchers for the month of July
which were on motion accepted and vouchers ordered to be ppid.
Clerk presented bills which were on motion ordered to be paid.
Clerk to write Mi. Anderson art J.D.Aller a letter of appreciation
for treatment applied to shoulder of Highway # 2.
On motion Council adjoirned to meet Sept. 4-
The following bills were paid'
A.Bothwell Building Inspector 218-50
H.E.F.C.of Ont® Hampton Street Lights 140.00
H-W-C-Of Ont- Service charges,TownshipHall 4.50
Bell Telephone Co. Service charges,Township Hall 6.55
James Publishing Co. Printing fax Notices 44.00
Counties' Treasurer Hospitalization 81.75
F.L.Bya, Relief Groceries-P.White 7.11
Q Avery,Sec-Treas.S.S.# 17 Advance to Teacher' s salary 500-00
N.J.Woodley Livestock Inspection 3.00
Ray McLauplin Estate Sheep Damage 50.00
J.D.Hogarth July Salary 250.00
J.D.Hogarth Excise and Postage 2.00
Claud Smith Relief for August 21,25
Mrs. 1. Hunt Housekeeper 35-00
Its. E. Sewell Post Sam. Care 32.00
Wt. Lycett Assessor® Jul ly 317-34
UnemDlooment Ins. Stamps for Employees for July NO
heceiver V eneral of Canada Income Tax -Jul 3.50
M. Niddery Copying for Assessor 25-50
Won Gunten. Assistance for Wracle Child 10.00
G.F.Annis Livestock Inspection 3.20
Nelson Fice Cattle Loss 200.00
Times-Gazette Advt. Extension of pa7ment of Taxes 5.88
Sec-Treas. Hampton Community Fork Grant 100.001
E.W.17ebber Sec-Trews Oshawa Fair Grant 25.00/
J.C.Gamey Sec-Treas.orono Fair Grant 75-00,/?
Roads xridges Mkint. yep