HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-09-04 Hampton,Sept 4,1952.
Darlington Council met this day Reeve Nichols presiding.The minutes of the last meetings
were read and on motion adopted as read.
Letter was read from Mr.Stewart Ryan,chairman of the Durham District High School Board
, the need for more room to overcome the over crowded conditions at Port Hope
and Bommnville High Schools.Cleeic to reply.
Mr.John Knox addressed the Councilregarding the financing of or money to finish the
building in Solina Comm=ity Centre.On motion of H.Skinner and E.F.G.Vice the Council
back the financing of this project provided it is legal to do so.Clerk was instructed to
consult W.R.S-trike regarding this matter and report.
Mr. A. Bothwell, Building Inspector addressed Council re- Building conditions.
Road Supt, presented his re-oort and vouchers for the month of August which were on
motion accepted and vouchers ordered to be paid,
Im. Theisberger asked Council to remove brush on Concession 9 Lot 10 east of his
property as water floods o3i his pro Derty.
W,R.Fickell Weed Inspector addressed the Council re- weed conditions,
L,R.Graham. Road S=. 'U-, was authorized to order 4 or 5 15" culverts.
Mr. Webster P.S.I. addressed Council re -handling of Debenture money.
On motion G,3,Rickard and EF*GVice the balance of Debenture money including
accumulated interest be transferred to Treas, of South Darlington T,S,Area Board.
The Reeve and Treasurer to be authorized to sign the cheque for the purpose of
transfer of funds.
Clerk to write SIFewary Ryan stating that our Council are giving their proposition
serious condideration.
General accounts were read and on motion ordered to be paid,
On motion the meeting adjourned to meet Oct. 2.
The following bills were paid,:
Provincial Treas, Insulin 6.19
Bell Telephone Co. of Can, Service charges 6,95
Canadian Statesman Notice to ratepayers 1.75
E.U.Dafoe Clerk-Treas. Thilrlow Twp. Assistance-Maralle 49.64
W.3.Bennettl Paving Ltd. invoice rf" 1697 992.OS
J.D.Hogarth August Salary 250*00
J.D.Hogar-th Excise and postage 2.00
Mrs. Ev. Dewell Post San. Care 32.00
Fritz Von Guntell. Assist. Maracle child 10.00
Mary Nidd-ery Copying for assessor 44.25
Norman Woodley Livestock Inspection 9000
Scholar Wilbur Sheep damage 20.00
Thos Wilbur Killing 2 dogs 20,100
Henry Watchorn Cutting weeds 6.40
Wm Iyeett Assessor- August 355-29
Un. Ins, Stamps 4032
Receiver General Income Tax 11055
G.F.Annis Sheep Inspection 00 755
Grant Bennett Sheep damage 211000
F.11 J.By a n Relief for P. White 12.06
A.H.Bothwell Building Inspector 153050
Ploug7nmen' s Assoc. N.& D.County Grant 15-00
Roads A Bridges Maint. & XL epairs 2502.79
CLERK,- - -