HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-11-05 November 5e 1952® Darlington Council met, this da7 with Ree�7e Nich,.ola -presidin�. The -mmutes of the last mee`Clinlz were read and on motion adopted as rsea'3.® .Llbert Hills addressed. the Council re- ditch on Road Ailav,,-aance between Lots 14.-17 Concession 7, and this was left in the hands of the Road Su-ct. Harold Potter asked for -p,,rmiscion to cut wood 0--i the Ltd".:p concession est of goliva road. 'T pis request was granted, Oto notify 3,diessers Leaver n motion oil H. Skinner and GAJ® Cler'_k without and to te c1 ect tat thesal hy hl - gate - put a 7ate on the road that the'T Closed authorit�7. R- to-ber wichere o � wn Road S-a-pt. -cresentea his re-oort and vouchers for Oc" m _)tioacce-o-ea and 77ouchers ordered to be japicl.n - On Motion the general acco,,�nts were ordered -)aia. The Council fonirr,-e-d the-selves into a Cout of -e-vision to hear and date_,-Mj4z e the cases to come be-fore then® Reduced W-a=D a----o n Lot 3 Oonc® 5 55 'D,01 Assessment educed Russell Rallme Lot 20 Con. 2 350'.00 Assessment Not -Reduce5- Fran2c Clilbert Lot 2�'�; Con, 250.00 not aLilcivysd Reduced -4hi- Nurcombe Lot 19 Con.� 500.00 alllo-,7ea 7Z� os roon koo.oc 2 1 Fire Bernad e Lot 1-- on. Fire "_nry C-= Lot 25 ions 4 300.00 12 li_7o Sinclair 7 ohn Lot 20 Con. 10 1350.00 9/10 of year to fall H=ace 00 3 Bouble A. frar-l-, Holro-7_d Lot 20 Con. 10 5000 1 Year 1.b-Z Fire Oshawa Wocd. roducts Lot 29 Con. 2 8900.00 Fire 'w.J.Henry Lot 29 --on.1 18;0.00 I - .5 S1:'15` Lt 28 `�az�.® 1 Yar 'Clerical 'rror Paul i�_nt 4-1 o �10o 3 500-00 e Lot 35 Con. L --;O.O;D 1 'Lear Clerical Error Garnet Gyne Lot 29 Con® 2 300.0o 1 -Tear Fire Dean Fickell Lot 31 B.F. 900.00 10-L_ ""10 Error 5_-t 3udai Lot 25 Con. 2 Le-ft to E. .Hall 1 ve arr Clerical "'rror AYbert Ralson Tot 2r- Nora® 0" 150.00; 1 year. On motion of G.3.Rickard and H. Skinner these adjustments be allowed as -out -forth b7 the Assessor. On motion the meetinz ad-;o,=ned to meet at the call of the chair. The -_Pollowinz hills were paid: S ate Lia:o-14ty -L Folic7 # IA34J12 352.5` 7 3'ec-Treas. 7 _-v7.J.Hobbs e ularn none froin Union Scholl 24 20L' . Stuart R, James Fm-o. Lia`oil7ity )� 8�'n228 22-50 Bell Tele-o�one Co. r o. Dervice zhzres 7 C-10 h7d= Electric P.C. 14amoton Street Bighting 14.0.00 H.,E.F�C. Service char-ges-Two. Hall 4.05 J.-D.Hogarth �ecristerinq Deed Kiv�ai:TTr - 1�_.�;C James 00w rrinting dog iax 'Notices 19.25 C.E.Shortridge Sec-`'yeas® S.S. '-„20 -.Ld7ance 275.00 A.j.1Ile Clerk-Treas. Fire ricraae 575.010 7 lief Groc-.L.Bya.m Re _ es-F? vhite 12.50 K.S7mons Co-=ties' 'lSo reas. Hoso i talizA tior. �D,.C)o Thos _,7711-illier 3: Son Supplies 8820 7 ala--7 250-00 17. oarth c DHz 7 �2 .D.Hoprth Excise and posta-_,e , L-t� Fritz Von G�.lnten Assistance-Maracie 9hill lo.00 lZrs. E. Dewell Fos-, San Care-Carolyn 32.00 P. Dewell Post Sar Care 32.00, _V_11. L7cett Assessor 56.64, James Br yans Rebate on ices 10.0o, D.J.0ameron Fighting Fire 4.75 F.L.B yam, Relief Groceries Oct.-Whi-Le 11.C"I Canadian mil Companies Stove Oil 1 11.88 D.Black Sec-Treaa. S.-.74' 21 Advance on Teacher s Salary X00®0 - 7bs Sec-Treas. 11 ,Ho�b Advance on Teacher' s Salaries E000.00 A.Bot'Iiwe Building Inspector -Sept. -i: Oct Salary 250.00 Roads 3c 'Bridges Maintenance ?-- eDairs 7763.05 7 11 P-P7,�77_ 1U CLERIK.