HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-12-02 Hampton, December 2, 1939®
Darlington Council met this da;7 with the members all prezentg Reeve Carruthers presiding.
Minutes of the last meeting more read ami on action sAopted.
The bills were read and ordered paid, with the exception of Dr. Slew n's medical bill for
iniigerts® On motion of W.R.Pichall mad R.R.Stevens the bill cd Dr. Slemon's be held until
such time as a committee appointed to rote ie the Department of Public Walth fin& out
as to the real msaning of a indigent. The committee to make this interview is to be Reeve
C.A.Garruthers, R.R.Stevens, 14R.Pickell. and Dr. C.J.Aastiq M.O.H.
I denuta-tion from the north most portion of the township interviewed the Council re snow
fence on the hill =0 of Homman Scott's on the Tc Lime. On motion of RWI.STevems an
L. .Pascoe the Council authorized the building of a tight board fence on the east side
of this particular hill®
F.A.ZerAlke presented his report as S. J. 7hich was on motion accepted®
Q motion of A.W.Annis and W.R.Pickell the property of the Brown Estate capposed of !V3 ars
and siWated in the X Lot I , Concession 9, be purchased by the Township Dart of which7i
will be used for a road. allowance g at a price of $200,00, Township to pay for- Conveyancing
&W registration of tha deed,
communication as read, from Dr. Austin re Chas. Hone and family, statiAg that the children
in his opinion should not be taken away from their parents but that a waman should be
engaged one day a week to clean the house. On motion this matter of Mone was left in the
hands of Reeve C.Y Carruthers,
T.H.Ridharis presented his report and vouchers for November which were onzw2tWx accepted
and vouchers ordered to be paid.
aN motion of L.C.Pascoe and A.W.Annis the necessary agreement regarding boundary Wmes
be dreon up between hanvers and Darlington and that they be approved by the District-
Engineer and that the agreement be signed in duplicate and two copies sent to Mangors
Council for their approval and signatare.
The following orders were drawn on the Treasurer;
L.D.Sykes Refani of Roadworik 6.40
Caanties Trasasurer Hoop, Mid, 6.75
Harold Allin Cutting & piling wood 7-2lo
UYs. C.Steyhens Janitorr a Salary 00
Sidney Kersey Sanitary Inspection n-.90
C.A.Wight Services L.B.ofH. is.40
0010arruthers Services L.B.O.H 22.00
J.D.Hog arth Secretary L.B.O.E. 20.00
Mrs. Acowling Gleaming Conlin House 4.COX0
J.D.Rog arth Lysol for Conlin House 1.25
Bell Telephone Service Charges 403
Sheppard & Gill Coal for Office and Relief 29.00
Alex McGregor Drugs for Arm= 3.10
Lorne Ebapp Relief 2.90
Whillier & Co, Sqpplies 8.COE
Dept. of Health Insulin 6.94
J.D.Hogarth Excise and Peas ®e 4.COX0
.T.D.Hoggarth Taking Oscar Conlin to Weston
0.E.Robinson Relief
m Fi iclu k Relief 5.99
Roads Bridges 'Main. and Repair r
C-.,L.Barron & Son sod. per 'bill 2.09
T-T.0. ®Mil'l's Cartage relief wood 2.00
F.L.Byam Relief 5.00
PSL.Bye= Relief2.4o
IT.J®1 o ey Sheep Inspac ion 3-60
Sheep Damsges 10,00
P=Ssw SheepDamgez 5®00
Dr.O.J.Aastin M.0,H. 5 ®20
3reak & Sons belief 0.00
0. IRobinso,n Relief 7.03
On motion the Council adjourned to meet December 15th at 1 p.m.
'Reeve Clerk