HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-01-08 Haqpton
Janua=j,7,th, 1540,
,to-n Ovancil met this eighfa d,1� Of Ja=Ia�y at 11 a.M. f= i--,-a`J,-UXaI Meetj2ag,
The members elect were all present and after tai ng their declaration of oflice, 271-�_:-eve
A.T.Anzaie called. or, Rel. Mr. Fac7l�-�am to address the Co-uncil. IL-. Rae read the 30th
Psalm, offer-ed pra-yer, and- addressea the Council.
The members of the Council of-farad congratulation to each other on their advance in
couxzcil and ca=cil teen adj for lunch until 1 P.M.
The mat- at I p. The ix to of the last me-ating were read and on motion adopted.
as read.
Dhe Hone ap-se was disaassea and on motion the case was left in the hands of Reeve �..Tk.A=As
and a.7,squair.
The bills were."a' na motion of IR.'R.Stevens and W.R.Pickelt the bill of Dr.C.J.Austein be held
until ttha committee 'visit Torontoand find oat what is to be done as regards the Inai-ent
Hedical Officer amd his rate o-IE' pay. On motion of R.T.SqUai-
and W.R.Fickell be a committee to go to the De-partment of Pablic Health and finfli out a-ay
pa-tic nzlars regarding the snabject.
On motion of R.R.Stevens and L.C.Pascoe the auditors be Paicl $2.50 each for eztra work in
710 rk
auditing the t&-m-colleotorls in Se-pteffber, 1,933,
Or- Motion Of =7.aa.Fickell and F."11,Stevens, a grant of $10,00 was made to the Salvation Army,
The following by-laws were introduced and on motion given their several readingz and
passed, signed., sealed, and m='Ibered.
17eed-Inspecfor Sil&s 17-11-4ams, rate of pay— 3�O per hour.
.kssessor— W.B.Cra�Z, rate of pay—$250.00 salary
Auditors— G.T.Amais anrl S.Everton White, salary— 25® 0 each,
Lives toc:,: Valuators— F.B.Glaspell and 2T.j.Wooalsy, salary— 200 per mile one way and.
$1.00 per oall.
Local Board of Health-- Dr.G.J.Austl-n, M.O.H., sal arY $250.00 per year, menfoers of boarcl
L-W-A=:15 and C.A.M911t, Sidney Kersey, Sary Inspector,
Par�L Commi z cion ® L.W.Anni s 9 F..Groat and Alvt1,1-l'. Peters,
Borrowing 3.7-law— To borrow $20,000.00 from tae Bank ofMontreal,
On motion of R.Rstevens aud 1Y.R.Pickell . F.G.Kerslake was kopointed S.A.0. , rate of pay
20VI per mile and $1.00 per call.
On motion of R.R.Stevens and W.R.Pickell re chaxrg
,ing of roaftork on tazes be repealei.
Motion carried, On motion of W.R.Pickell and R.R.Stevens the wages be set as last year
as follows— La:b(n---T 200 per hour. tri :ge gang , 250 per hac=. Teams, 400 per ha=.
Trucks, $1per ho" r for haarly wozOk and 404 per yaxd for first mile, l0 per mile per
Yara for e7rtra
The Road Superintand-ent rpresented his re ort and 7oizchars mor Decei2fbezr 1-5th to 30th, which
77eare on motion acs e-oted- and. gar der ed. to be paid®
On motion of L.C.Pascos ancl _RR.Steirenns T.H.Mcharda was appoimtea Road &ap i �,e t
al, nt naen
f or 1940 at 40t?4 per ho-Lir.
On motion of W.R.Fic:zell and FL.K.Sqlaair the deed for pit Tfhich was purchasea in
1897 be registered by the Clerk in Registry Offire.
The follorving orders were draim on the Treas-arer;
Bell Tele-phome Co----------Se ice
'.R. .e olds------------— 8-79
Co- nties' Treasurer-------Flo sp
Dog®-® — 5-0 0
Alex MoGregor—---------- Drugs forVarnum------------ 7.40
L.0.Mason------------ —-—--—-— 13,05
H.10.W.Mills------------ Cartage Relief Pael--------- 4-50
ReI4 e'— 4.00
R i
el e
77imblett------------ Refund on Roadwork--------- 1.01
ILrs. Ross Stevens—------ Relief 4.09
H.-Robins on----------- 2.05
Kyle Squ:air—---—----- AmdAtor------ 2.70
F,Anni s-------------
L-71-Mor sam- Relief—------ 3.70
On 7notion Couno�I adljo=,ned to meet FebruaxY 3rd., 1940, at I p.m.
Clerk 'Res7e