HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-02-03 Hamton PeOrd191a De=761Lngton Caanall met this d .7 wit thz membersll resent*Rewe anzls .ezidei The @rete of the last meeting were read and on motion wereadopt,8d as re" C .=. il10 -: StS7e= aMd DSP. Re8V 8 W.R.PK&ell reported having visited the Dept, cf liuiiellpali r 2?e:Indigent Medical Officer nd -, to 'be Mae k1ditors Presentedtheir rePort 0' 1939 rep,or i �_�_; , � � _- 1 and ndi e 0: 90933-73, with a deficit Of 1630030- motion of P.K.Squair and .C, ,earns the report of the Amditorr. eacce- t d � � � �s mid, On motion of R.F.Squair and T.R.Pickella bill of abatement 'be grantea on dog md 201 tam to Dee 3101 19,76t and that the em-rer be Sa"Uh-orizedto pwepare a list of janas liable for tax S&Ls. On motio .St d Tong Tie the contract for 4 ya=as of gmvell be renerscl, t� Jo= Mal en at the s=e price as 2ast r, The bills were reams and on motion 'were ordered to be paid as read, A letter was Mrs TU17arz askingfor more relief, T. a zail decided to gi7e Chilvare one day more work ppr we" C tion, of R.K. guair and .C.Pe oe, the request of 1L-. ®. . er s :dor t'r 'ase of the Hall e.-Ae, Cher commmications were rear. wad ordered filed. On t-ic of RR.Stevens and .S air, Dr. be engaged as U.C.H. and ludige ,t - at a waaryfa,5C$CC1. motion of R.K.Sar and .C.Paso e tin be paid $3F.00 for services rendered to Indigent Patients to Dsa.171at 1,03co TP.H,,RfxhExds presented his report for Jamaawy which. was on motion accepted oher ordered to be paid, On motion of R-.Z-gi S a& ana .R.Pi B eii, the Cork was authorised t - ite Clke Township nci'_1 regardinzZ their bill for work on, Tovm Lined anxi t Darlington lig ton had done work to the t .0 t of oLine. ana that Darlington Council would., be pleased to meel-, their Council in regard to thLs Trorklater i n tai S-pries By-Lar. for estimatsf,. Road Expend-itures was i trodaced and on motion given its e er�l reading dBrie ed to be zilgmee. sealed and 2=­ d. On motion the Clerk- -Fas aulthorised to order 7 copies of The lbmniaipal World. The following orders were drawn on the treas, , Reg 1d Relief 10-53 '47 . JPUI-dack H 7.00 . .2.7= it 7.35 C.H®Eob i I4 15.CIO Pell Telephone Se ice . Teas. n iii le Division Co=t Costs ®78 Alex cC -oma for Sheppard Gill relief 01; Lorne P if -9C Toronto Stazzq & Stencil Coe Dog Tags 21006 Pi keri om-ship Relief, 7.84 Whillier & C . Assessment supplies �5� 5 Cat-ario Hosp. Woodstock J.Perkine5.50 Counties Treks® HOSP. 130'13 Excise & Postage 12.75 J.D.H g th Registration Fees 15-25 J.D.Hogarth on salsoy 75.CO Bridges Maint.& Repair 152.79 a, C.JT.Austin 11.C.E. 30-00 e &_- Sons Relief le tris Light & Service 3-90 Loxme IT.Annis .e Mrs Hone 5-Cn, m. 06Y Drawing wood 23-000 P. ll smi th dS if 3`20 E.C.W. ills 40 31.63 G® ® 9 -adi.for 25-00 S. etor. White a 27,,.C I 10olvin Work at Hones SCC C.JT.Austim Indigent gent 1401 35,-00 nanicipal Torld 7 00.Pies 7-00 On motion the Council adja=ed to meet Saturday March 2nd at one P,, ee. s