HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-12-00t THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File #. Date: July 03, 2000 Res. Report #: CS -12 -00 By -law # Subject: We Care About Our Young People Campaign Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. CS -12 -00 be received; and, 2. THAT Council approve the implementation of the Ontario Business Parent Program in place of the We Care About Our Young People Campaign; and, 3. THAT Colleen Groenveld and Michelle Gregorio of the Clarington- Newcastle Block Parents Association, Ron Cameron of the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, Garth Gilpin of the Bowmanville Business Center and Paul Hawrychuk of Durham Region Police Services be thanked for their support and continued involvement on behalf of the Municipality; and advised of the actions taken. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 At the April 25, 2000 Council Meeting, Resolution #C- 226 -00 was approved: "WHEREAS youth and children sometimes find themselves in places and situations that may create fear and difficult times for them; WHEREAS youth and children in the downtown areas don't have any place to seek assistance or protection; WHEREAS youth, and especially children, have been taught not to speak or go anywhere with strangers; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Council of the Municipality of Clarington invite merchants and businesses throughout the Municipality to volunteer to provide assistance and a safe temporary site for our children and youth during business hours: THAT the Municipality provides funds up to $5,000 to be drawn from Account # 7007 -X -298 for indoor displays and material required for this project and the project be called: " We Care About Our Young People" J2 1028 REPORT NO.: CS -12 -00 PAGE 2 1.2 At the May 2, 2000 Council Meeting, a delegation representing the Clarington- Newcastle Block Parents Association appeared before Council to advise the Ontario Block Parents Association operates a similar program and the aforementioned Resolution would be a duplication of services already available. As such, Council passed the following additional Resolution: "THAT the delegation of Colleen Groenveld be referred to staff to commence joint discussions with the Block Parents Association, Paul Hawrychuk, Durham Regional Police Department and Municipal Staff." 2.0 COMMENT 2.1 On Tuesday June 20, 2000, a meeting was held to discuss the project and to review the Ontario Block Parents program as how it may address the concerns outlined in the initial resolution. Present at the meeting were representatives of the Clarington /Newcastle Block Parents Association, local elementary schools, Bowmanville Business Center and Staff. Police Constable Paul Hawrychuk was not available due to previous commitments, but had indicated his support prior to the meeting. 2.2 The meeting discussed the need for this project in light of the program offered by the Ontario Block Parent Program Inc. which has already developed a Business Parent Program (see attachment #1) that would address the concerns outlined in the original resolution; and, is already established in the Orono Business Area. 2.3 The Business Parent Program is designed to accommodate small business operators and provides for screening of the business operators and their staff through the Block Parent Program and Durham Regional Police Services. While this may limit the opportunities for larger business operators to participate, the Business Parent Program does not require that all businesses participate, that ideally a minimum of two (2) per block would suffice. Downtown Orono currently has three (3) of fifteen (15) or 20% of merchants participating in the program. This is deemed to be very acceptable. The Clarington- Newcastle Block Parents Association is prepared to implement and manage a similar program in Clarington's business areas on behalf of the Municipality. 2.4 It was also discussed that the Business Parent Program would be introduced to the youth as part of the Race Against Drugs Program throughout the school year which captures all grade 5 (12 — 13 years old) students within the Municipality. ..../3 1029 REPORT NO.: CS -12 -00 PAGE 3 3.0 FINANCIAL 3.1 The Clarington- Newcastle Block Parents Association indicated the funds allocated to the program would be sufficient. The Community Services Department will continue to work with the Clarington- Newcastle Block Parents Association and will administer the funds approved by the initial resolution on behalf of the Municipality. The Clarington - Newcastle Block Parents will immediately initiate Business Parent Program with Bowmanville area merchants and businesses. The Clarington- Newcastle Block Parents Association will continue to develop the Business Parent Program and educate youth and residents through the above referenced programs starting in the new school year. Respectfully submitted, of Community Services RT /pg Reviewed by, �K Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer - 1030 0 0 PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BLOC`k PAREN' ft0GRAM W AND YOUR COMMUNI''Y _ BY BECOMING A a. BUSINESS PARENT LOCATION! Q For more information concerning the Ontario Business Parent Program, _ please contact: c CLAPINCTONINEWCASTLE III,oCj( PARENTS INC. Box 66 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K8 014TA UO BLOCK PARENT PROGRAM INC. 14W463.2771 THE ONTARIO BUSINESS PARENT PRO (GRAM COWN septf" PURPOSE OF THE BUSINESS PARENT PR, The purpose of this very wot6n1 '� is tai more police approved 'srglt /oeadom' in ktkbtkiAttrged w � tlofi. of a small community. The business section of a costhn nity that uses this program is generally considered to be one thK &I to its geography has flew possible tt dd*" Black Pared Ibltuidns m the downtown core. It has been ddb vW basically !br hma and ps' type hmily businesses, not large many- enploydo type buslasum. BUSINESS PARENT DECAL AN participating Business Parent locations display a red and white deal on their store door or window, which can be clearly am by pedestrians. This decal is permanently dFated to the door/window and is only removed if the business dikotntlam its ipvalvanent with the Block Parent Progp"wis roommetwed the the deal be placed close to the Store Hours or Open/Closed sigh on the door or window. c w THE LOCAL BLOCK PARENT PROGRAM The local Block Parent Program is expected to keep in close contact with all business locations in their community. They most ensure all proper forma have been completed and submitted to the Ontario Block Parent Program lat. :, It ht their ftipiasl6illty to educate the community about this progrl�lt and act as the liaison between the Ontario Block Parent Inc., tha Meal Polies Service and the local participating All lispWs of the Criteria must be strictly adhered to. WHO CAN A BUSINESS PARENT LOCATION? t " 'may wk M in the Ontario Business Polls must by the local Block Parent Program Ontario Block Parent Program Inc. All businesses particips" Si this program must complete all the necessary forme (provided * 00 local program) and fulfill all the requirements as set out in the Criteria THE BUIiII11188 PARENT LOCATION All employer /employees of an approved Business Parent location must complete an application to become a Block Parent. There must be an employee IS years of age or older in the business during operating hours. Some requirements set out in the Criteria are as follows:- a) maximum armber of employees is eight (8); b) each amp*n must be rescreened every throe (3) years; and c) no etirnamt used fbr entertainment purposes or licensed to sell beet, wlee or liquor will be accepted as a Business Parent location. The employedemployee of an approved Business Parent location is expected t6 assistance to anyone who seeks refimge in their store when they: 'are beins • have A + are lain Empl transport t than loiter W#asted tightened by a stranger an incident of indecent exposure as are not expected to administer first aid, in their car, offer citizens food or drink, or let Iti`he store. }