HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-04-03 F H-412TO.IT April 3rd 1943- I. II Darlington Council met this day with the members all present. The min-aces of the last meeting were read., and on motion adopted. Communication va-s read from the Institute for the Blind asking for -0eraIssion to hold Tag Day �Lay 8th. On motion of R.R. Stevens and Arth-Lur Millson, they be granted this -perl-nission, and- the Clerk write them to that effect. The bills were read, and on motion vvere ordered to be paid. T'laree applications were -read for the office of Assessor. Wm. Ly c e t tu I s application was taken first, Price $400.00, Victor Bowinst 83390.00, J.R. Reynolds'$400.00. On motion of R.R. Stevens and E.K. Sqnair, Wm. L. Lycett be engaged as assessor for 19411,,. salary $400 .00. T.H. Richards presented his report and vouchers for 1-Tarch, which were on motion accepted and vouchers ordered to be paid. On -motion of R.K. Scuair and S.G. the Council adopt the Road Superintendent's sched-als of wages, as follows:-- Maintadner Operator per hour .1:70-1 Tractor nil It 0 Q500 Grader toll fs If 0 Bridge men PB BP .400 It 1.00 larm %T-actors PB Teams so SP P;O Labour PB PP -35 Trucks, 3 Yard or over PP PP 1.50 Tracks, under 3 yds. PB PB 1.25 On motion the council adjourned to meet May 8th, 1943. T.M. Slemon & Son Relief $14.00 It 11 F .I u. 3yam 25.44 J.U1. Yellowlees Bonus,killing dog 5.00 Counties Treasurer Hospitalization 51-63 Frank Morland Relief,po tatoes 5100 Bell Telephone Service ch.sg. 3.14 Cdn.Statesman Advertising 3.94 Dr. G.J. Austin 11.0.H. 30-00 J.D. Hogarth Salary 125,00 J.D. Hogarth Exc i s e & Postage 4.00 Miss Z.A. Holt -Relief 280-1 L Stanley Pneumo Thorax 24.00 F. Rogers Cartage relief fuel 2,00 H.C.1,7. 11111s do 4.50