HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-11-20 November 20th 1943.
Court of Revision held this day with the members all --oresent.
The several cornm.2.aints were heard. as folio-, s*,--
Oommmity Hall at Razl_iskillen to be -out" on Exempll-ed. 1,is`G and- that the
t a,,7.es nor 101,-3 be not collected.
Charles Dean asked that a cattle -pass be Imt accross Concession 10, and
that he -,-Touid be satisfied v,.,;-+,h the assessment ii that were done.
On mnotion of S.7, Vuhite and- P.R. Stevens the assessment be confirmed, ana
a. committee be a;p-,,Doimted to �o and look over the conditionsconcerning tulle situation.
On Motion of R.K. Scuair and S.- YThite this 30-umcil refund Ii-Irs. E. Silver
for rzista2�e in dog assessment.
On :moo tion the ccumcil revert to orLin-axy business.
The Clerk re-oorted. a tele-ohone conversation e-iith LI-r. E-11iott Of the Levy
Auto P-arUs; regarding sro?7 plow amid true.
On motion of H.R. Stevens and A.. 1.1illson the Read_ S=erintendent and Kyle
Smair loo7- over the work done by 1,Irs. Phillips on 'he road, side.
Oil r1otion of _R.R. Stevens and A. Millson tl�!s Council grant $100.00 to
le Hos rital.
The Clerk was authorized to "e-oort to -uP-vy ,Luto Parts tit this council do
not -muu-pose buying a smo7 or trach at this time.
On ract-ion of R.R. Stevens and S.E. 'Maite this r-gancill �)uxchase 6000 -feet
c-F s-now; fence and posts to u the.
put it up. The snow `enoe a' the Sault was le" in
hands of Thos.H. Richards.
A bill for $f4O.00 for snow ffence 17p-s ordered -0aid.
Or motion coo" cid. af-Ljourned to meet Decemberth.