HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-11-01 Hampton, Nov.1/41.
Darlington Council met this day with the members all present,Reeve W.R.Pickell presiding
The minutes of the last meeting were read,and on motion were adopted as read.
Discussion took place regarding fire protection for Hampton Village. There was no action
taken.Comnmication was read from the Sawyer-Massey Company re.- tires on front wheels
of maintainer stating that they felt that they hadno responsibility regarding the same.
The communications were read and ordered filed.
The bills were read and on motion were ordered to be paid.
A delegation from. the Eighth Concession waited on the council re,- snow fence, on motion
this matter was left in the hands of T.H.Richards and L.C.Pascoe.
L.Simpson & W.A.shton asked to have culverts supplied for their enterance to their properties
This was left in the hands of T.H.Richards & L.C.Pascoe.
On-motion of R.R.Stevens & L.C.Pascoe,J.D.Eogarth be paid $100.00 for doing the assessment
for 1942.
On motion the Clerk was instructed to advertise for Court of Revision to be held
on saturclay Nov.15th at 2 p.m.standard time.
By-claw 41093 to provide for the CorporationsConsentto the Bell Telephone Compal
of Canadaconstracting its lines upon,over, along,a,crossand under a portion of the road
allowance between Concessions 1 and 2 of the Township of Darlington,which was given its seve
ral readings and ordered to be signed sealed and numbered.
By-Law #1494 being a By-Law approvingof the change in the location of the Canadian
Pacific Railway where it crosses the town line between the Townships of East Whitby and
Darlington between lot 1, Broken Front Concession,East Whitby Township and the West half
of lot 35,0oncession 1,Darlington Township. This By-law was given its several readings
and ordered to be signed,sealed and numbered.
Bir-law #1095 'being a By-law approving of the changein the location of the Canadian
Pacific Railway where it crosses the Township road between lots 33 and 34 in the Township
of Darlington. This By-law was given its several readings and ordered to-.be signed,sealed
and numbered.
T.H.Richards presented his reports and vouchers for October which were on motion
accepted and vouchers:-,ordered to be paid.
The following orders were drawn on the Treasurer,-
'llier & co. Assessment Notices 16.75
Northcutt & Smith Ambulance service 13.00
S.R.Hart & Co. Supplies 19.36
Bell Telephone Co. Service Chge 3.45
Counties Treas. Hospitalization .Sg
Alvin Peters Work- in Park 12.05
W.R.Pickell selecting Jurors 3.00
H.T.Peters Selecting Jurors -00
J.D.Hogarth Selecting Jurors .00
Dr.C.J.Austin M.OYH. 30.00
J.D.Hogarth Salary 100.00
J.D.Hogarth Excise & Postage 6.00
F.L.Byam Relief 4.00
E.Piddzack Relief 6.99
Miss E.A.Holt Relief 5.00
Roads & Bridges Maint.& Repair 723.35
Bow. P.U.C. Light & Service 3.90
J.D.Hogarth Assessing 140.00
On motion the Council adjourned to meet Nov.15th at 2 P.M. for Court of Revision.