HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-09-004 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 04001;41 Meeting: General Purpose and Administration File # Date: July 03, 2000 Res. te,2 QD Report #: CS -09 -00 By -law # Subject: 2000 -2001 SCHEDULE OF RATES AND FEES Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. CS -09 -00 be received; and, 2. THAT Council approve the attached proposed schedule of Rates and Fees, effective September 1, 2000. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Each year staff of the Community Services Department initiate the process of reviewing the established rates and fees for the various services and leisure opportunities provided by the Department. This process recognizes many factors that influence the public's participation as well as the associated operational costs that are incurred in providing them. Staff are cognitive of rates and fees charged by surrounding municipalities as well as a fair comparison to private operators within the community. 1.2 The mandate of the Community Services Department is to provide quality services and leisure programs at reasonable rates to encourage participation in the programs. 1.3 The body of this report, and its attachments, will outline current rates and fees as administered by the Community Services Department, recommending adjustments as required. The Department has made an effort to reduce the number of rate schedules managed by the Department and staff. This has been accomplished by blending certain rates where comparable facilities and fees exist. - 1015 .../2 REPORT NO.: CS -09 -00 PAGE 2 1.4 The report introduces a Leisure Activities Card that will permit general admissions access to all facilities for a single rate. This has been accomplished by the blending of several general admissions categories, providing a simplified fee schedule for patrons. 1.5 This report will also introduce new rate structures for hall and multi - purpose rooms that are required for short-term (hourly) rentals for meeting purposes; clarify qualification of a senior's rate for general admissions; and will address administrative charges for Returned Cheques and Cancellation Fees. 1.6 The Community Services Department is constantly receiving request for storage space. Access to storage space is based on historical access. Some groups have indicated they are willing to compensate the municipality for this service if it could be provided. Construction costs for this space vary between $80.00 and $125.00 per square foot, for which the Municipality currently receives no revenue. The Community Services Department will undertake discussions with current users to establish a reasonable fee and include those fees in the 2001 -2002 Rates and Fees Report. 2.0 INTRODUCTION OF LEISURE ACTIVITIES CARD 2.1 As referenced, the Community Services Department is recommending the implementation of a Leisure Activities Card (see attachment #1). This 10 -pass card will be valid for General Admissions to Recreational Skating at the Rickard Recreation Complex and Darlington Sports Centre as well as Recreational Swimming at the Courtice Community Complex, Clarington Fitness Centre and during the summer operation, both the Newcastle Lions Outdoor Pool and Orono Park Pool 2.2 Currently there is a price difference between the Courtice Community Complex and all other facilities. It is recommended the Courtice Community Complex fees remain at the 1999/2000 rate. The Recreational Swim Rates at the Clarington Fitness Centre, Newcastle Lions Outdoor Pool, Orono Park Pool; and the Recreational Skate at Rickard Recreation Complex and Darlington Sports Centre increase to the same rate as the Courtice Community Complex, thus allowing residents to participate at all recreational facilities for the same fee. 2.3 Currently, multi purchase passes are limited to either the swim program or the skating program. In addition, passes purchased at the Clarington Fitness Centre may be used at the Courtice Community Complex when an additional premium is paid. By blending these rates, residents would be permitted to use ten (10) ticket passes at any of the above facilities without a premium. (These fees have not been increased since 1997. - 1016 ..../3 REPORT NO.: CS -09 -00 PAGE 3 2.4 As these 10 -pass Leisure Activity Cards will be valid for any General Admission (Swimming / Skating) at any Municipally operated facility, Staff will continue to monitor the success of the program with the view of developing this concept further. 3.0 FACILITY RENTAL RATES (Arenas and Pools) 3.1.0 Arenas — Attachment #2 3.1.1. The Community Services Department is committed to keeping facility rental rates as reasonable as possible. Staff have reviewed rates from neighbouring Municipalities in considering adjusting current rates. For the most part facility rentals are generally low in Clarington compared to other Municipalities and as such, staff recommends a $5.00 per hour increase to the adult prime rate. 3.1.2. The Ice Tournament and Special Event Rates will also be fixed at a premium to the applicable rate. Additional staff costs related to events of this nature necessitates this premium. 3.1.3. Summer Ice rates will be also at a premium to the applicable winter rates. Summer operations require significantly increased utilities consumption. 3.1.4. The above rates are comparable to the average rates throughout the region. 3.1.5. It is recommended that all Arena Floor Exhibits and summer sport uses remain at the 1999/2000 rates without an increase. 3.2.0 Pools — Attachment #2 3.2.1 Pool Rates will increase by 2.5% to reflect increased utilities rates. In addition the per hour rate for additional guards will increase to reflect the current wage rates and statutory benefits. 3.2.2 Due to a popular demand, the Community Services Department will be offering additional evening hours at the Newcastle Lions Outdoor Pool and Orono Park Outdoor Pool, weather permitting. Staff will collect an admission fee per session at the outdoor pools be consistent with indoor operations. 4.0 MULTIPURPOSE ROOM and MEETING ROOM RENTAL RATES 4.1 All rates for the Multi- Purpose and Meeting Room rentals (Attachments #3,4 & 5) have been adjusted to reflect a consistent approach to setting appropriate rates for Full, Half and Quarter Sections of the hall. /4 1017 REPORT NO.: CS -09 -00 PAGE 4 4.2 In an effort to blend the rates between Courtice Community Complex and Rickard Recreation Complex; room sizes and rental fees have been assessed on a square foot capacity. The Courtice Community Complex — Full Hall is the equivalent to the Rickard Recreation Complex Half -Hall; and, the Courtice Community Complex Half -Hall is the equivalent to the Rickard Recreation Complex Section. Accordingly, it is recommended the Courtice Community Complex rates be blended with the equivalent Rickard Recreation Complex. 4.3 Multi Purpose Room rates have not been increased since 1996. Staff recommends a 2.5% increase based on projected utilities increases. 4.4 The Full Hall Licensed Resident rate is the base rate. The non - resident rate is charged a premium and the non - licensed rate in each category is discounted. 4.5 It is recommended the STATUTORY HOLIDAY AND NEW YEAR'S EVE rates be adjusted to delete the non - licensed categories; and the licensed rates reflect double the rate. 4.6 Bartender Fees will be adjusted to reflect the actual wage plus statutory encumbrances. 4.7 Multi purpose rates for short-term hourly rentals are recommended. It would be recommended the current meeting room rates be applied per section at Rickard Recreation Complex and per half at the Courtice Community Complex. 5.0 MEMBERSHIP FEES (Fitness) 5.1 It is recommended the MUNCIPAL AQUATIC FACLITY MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY be deleted in favour of blended fees for the Membership Fees. Adjustments will reflect the value added to each category. 5.2 It is recommended all Courtice Community Complex existing Fitness rates (Attachment #6) remain with no adjustments. Membership rates will be reviewed in conjunction with the completion of the Courtice Community Centre expansion. 5.3 A new category is proposed for a combined Courtice Community Complex and Clarington Fitness Centre Pool Fitness and Squash Pass. 5.4 As previously recommended, The Clarington Fitness Centre Swimming Pool rates will be blended to reflect the CCC Swimming Pool Rates. 5.5 Staff are recommending the COUPLES SQUASH category be deleted as this category is not meeting the intent of family couples and is being utilized by non - related members registering as a couple. .../5 1018 REPORT NO.: CS -09 -00 6.0 PROGRAM FEES PAGE 5 6.1 Rates and Fees implemented by the Community Services Department include structured programs (Attachment #7), such as Swim Lessons, Day Camps and Fitness opportunities as well as unstructured programs/activities such as recreational public swims and skating. 6.2 Aquatic Program costs are increased to reflect fair market value with the surrounding communities. Those costs are reflected in the related proposed fees. 6.3 A new Fitness Assessment Category Category introduced in 1999. The their physical fitness whereas the program for the member. is proposed to enhance the Fitness Appraisal Assessment will allow the patron to evaluate Appraisal will develop a Personal Training 6.4 Summer Day Camps and March Break Camps (Attachment #6) have been in operation in the Municipality for many years. The fees for this program are below market value in both the public and private sectors. In addition, a significant discount is offered to multiple -week registrations. It is recommended these fees be increased $5.00 per week. It is also recommended the multi -week discount be discontinued effective 2001. 6.5 Aquafit Classes are not proportionally valued according to the 1/, 2/, and 3/ week sessions. It is proposed the 2 /week session be increased to reflect a 50% premium of the 1/ week; and, the 3 /week reflect an additional 50 %. This adjustment will reflect a more equitable cost of attending 2/ and 3/ times per week. 7_0 ADMINISTRATION FEES 7.1 The department frequently deals with cheques returned by the bank for various reasons. The Community Services Department recommends a $10.00 service charge plus bank fees for returned cheques when the customer is at fault. This fee is consistent with fees charged by other departments within the municipality. 7.2 Staff will provide the opportunity for parents to receive a prorated credit where toddlers and younger children do not easily adjust to an aquatics environment within a three -week time period. In these cases parents will be offered a pro - rated credit to be used at a future time if they withdraw from the program prior to the third class. Currently, refunds are only issued pro-rated with a $10.00 administration fee prior to the second class and generally only for medical reasons. !L^ 1019 REPORT NO.: CS -09 -00 8.0 SENIOR'S RATES PAGE 6 8.1 While Senior's rates are currently associated with youth rates, the effective age has not been clearly defined. The Community Services Department has consulted with the Clarington Beech Centre and would recommend age 55 be recognized as the qualification rate for Senior's General Admissions. Seniors rates are not applicable to fitness memberships, hall or arena rentals. 9.0 SUMMARY 9.1 The Community Services Department has focused efforts on maintaining the high quality of programs and services, at reasonable rates and fees, which the public has come to accept. In preparing this report and the schedule of rates and fees, staff reflected the costs of providing these opportunities in comparison to similar rates and fees charged in neighbouring municipalities. Overall, rates and fees charged in Clarington are mid -range with similar programs and facilities throughout the Durham Region. ly submitted, P. Caruana �r of Community Services Reviewed by, c) Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer 1020 Attachment 1 Report CS -09 -00 Program /Service Unit 1999/2000 2000/2001 Comments Rate Rate 10 -PASS LEISURE CARD SWIMMING and SKATING Youth /Senior 10 Pass 10 pass 17.00 New Adult 10 Pass 10 pass 24.00 New Family 10 Pass 10 pass 48.00 New GENERAL ADMISSIONS CCC - Public Swim Adult- 3.00 Youth /Senior 2.00 2.00 Family 6.00 6.00 CFC - Public Swim Adult - 2.75 3.00 Youth /Senior 1.75 2.00 Family 5.50 6.00 RRC - DSC - Public Skating Adults - Single 2.75 3.00 Adults - Season 66.00 72.00 Youth/Senior - Single 1.75 2.00 Youth/Senior - Season 33.00 36.00 Family - Single 5.50 6.00 Family - Season 110.00 115.00 CFC - Squash Adult 7.00 Youth /Senior 3.50 1021 Attachment 2 Report CS -09 -00 Program /Service Unit 1999/2000 2000/2001 Comments Rate Rate ARENA RENTAL RATES Winter Ice Permits =; - 110.00 Prime Time Adults Hour 125.00 Prime Time Youth Hour 105.00 Non -Prime Adults Hour 97.00 100.00 Non -Prime Youth Hour 66.00 70.00 Non - Resident Adult Hour 160.00 165.00 Stat Holiday Surcharge Hour 55.00 60.00 Tournament/Special Events Adult Hour 135.00 140.00 Youth Hour 126.00 125.00 i Summer Ice Permits Adult Hour 135.00 140.00 Youth Hour 120.00 125.00 Hockey Schools Hour 120.00 125.00 Non - Resident Hour 160.00 165.00 Arena Floor Exhibits Set Up Day 275.00 275.00 Exhibit Function - Community Gr Day 750.00 750.00 Exhibit Function - Commercial ,Day 790.00 790.00 Dry Floor Permits Adult Hour 50.00 50.00 Youth Hour 50.00 50.00 Non - Resident 62.00 6200 . POOL RENTAL RATES Pool Only /w 2 Guards Hour 88.00 94.00 Max 100 Pool and Tot Pool Hour 110.00 3 Guards Pool and Slide Hour 125.00 4 Guards Pool /Slide/Tot Pool Hour 141.00 5 Guards Youth - Clubs & Schools - 5:00 aryHour 42.00 44.00 1 Guard Youth - Clubs & Schools - 8:00a Hour 42.00 43.00 Guards Extra Adults - Clubs Hour 50.00 51.00 Guards Extra Special Events Hour 60.00 61.00 Guards Extra Lifeguards Each 14.00 16.00 1022 Attachment 3 Report CS -09 -00 Program /Service Unit 199912000 2000/2001 Comments Rate Rate MULTI PURPOSE ROOMS Courtice Full Hall Monday - Thursday Non - Licenced Event -10 200.00 230.00 Licenced Event - 10 330.00 330.00 Non - Licenced - Non Resident Event - 10 240.00 277.00 Licenced - Non Resident Event - 10 396.00 395.00 Half Hall Non - Licenced Event - 10 110.00 127.00 Licenced Event - 10 182.00 181.00 Non - Licenced - Non Resident Event - 10 132.00 152.00 Licenced - Non Resident Event --10 218.00 217.00 Courtice Friday - Sunday Fug Hall Non - Licenced Event - 10 310.00 290.00 Licenced Event - 10 385.00 415.00 Non - Licenced - Non Resident Event - 10 372.00 348.00 Licenced - Non Resident Event - 10 462.00 497.00 Half Hall Non - Licenced Event - 10 171.00 159.00 Licenced Event - 10 212.00 227.00 Non - Licenced - Non Resident Event - 10 205.00 191.00 Licenced - Non Resident Event - 10 254.00 273.00 New Years Eve Non - Licenced 408.00 Discontinued Licenced Event -12 658.00 830.001 Non - Licenced - Non Resident 489.00 1 Discontinued Licenced - Non Resident Event - 12 790.00 995.00 1023 Attachment 4 Report CS -09 -00 Program /Service Unit 1999/2000 2000/2001 Comments Rate Rate Rickard Recreation Complex Monday - ursday Full Hall Non - Licenced Event - 10 410.00 420.00 - O.. _ P _ 503.00 Licenced Event --10 585.00= Non - Licenced - Non Resident Event - 10 492.00 Licenced - Non Resident Event - 10 702.00 720.00 Half Hall Non - Licenced Event - 10 225.00 230.00 Licenced Event - 10 330.00 330.00 Non - Licenced - Non Resident Event - 10 270.00 277.00 Licenced - Non Resident Event - 10 386.00 395.00 Section Non - Licenced Event- 10 124.00 126.00 Licenced Event - 10 177.00 181.00 Non - Licenced - Non Resident Event - 10 149.00 152.00 Licenced - Non Resident Event - 10 212.00 217.00 Rickard Recreation Complex Friday - Sunday Full Hall Non - Licenced Event - 10 605.00 527.00 Licenced Non - Licenced - Non Resident Event - 10 Event - 10 735.00;u 726.00 632.00 Licenced - Non Resident Event - 10 882.00 904.00 Half Hall Non - Licenced Event - 10 333.00 290.00 Licenced Event - 10 404.00 414.00 Non - Licenced - Non Resident Event -10 399.00 348.00 Licenced - Non Resident Event --10 485.00 497.00 Section Non - Licenced Event - 10 183.00 160.00 Licenced Event - 10 222.00 230.00 Non - Licenced - Non Resident Event - 10 219.00 200.00 Licenced - Non Resident Event - 10 266.00 275.00 New Years Eve Non - Licenced 715.00 Discontinued Licenced Event --12 1,155.00 1,505.00 Non - Licenced - Non Resident 858.00 Discontinued Licenced - Non Resident Event- 12 1,386.001 1,440.00 1024 Attachment 5 Report CS -09 -00 Program /Service Unit 1999/2000 2000/2001 Comments Rate Rate Meeting Room Rates RRC /CCC /CFC Hour:- h v Hour 30.001 20.00 30.00 Community Groups Private Non- Resident/Commercial Hour 46.00 46.00' Schools Hour 15.00 15.00! Courtice Full Hatt Community Groups Hour 40.00 New Private Hour 60.00 New Non- Resident/Commercial Hour 95.00 New Schools Hour 30.00 New Half Hall Community Groups Hour 20.00 New Private Hour 30.00 New Non- Resident/Commercial Hour 47.50 New Schools Hour 15.00 New Rickard Recreation Complex Full Hall Community Groups Hour 80.00 New Private Hour 120.00 New Non- Resident/Commercial Hour 190.00 New Schools Hour 60.00 New Half Hall Community Groups Hour 40.00 New Private Hour 60.00 New Non- Resident/Commercial Hour 95.00 New Schools Hour 30.00 New Section Community Groups Hour 20.00 New Private Hour 30.00 New Non- Resident/Commercial Hour 47.50 New Schools Hour 15.00 New Miscellaneous Fees Kitchen - With Hall Event 93.00 95.00 Kitchen - Catering Only Hour 22.00 22.00 Refundable Deposit Event 200.00 200.00 Bartenders Hour 14.00 16.00 1025 Attachment 6 Report CS -09 -00 Program /Service Unit 1999/2000 2000/2001 ! Comments Rate Rate MEMBERSHIP RATES CCC - Pool Adult - Annual 120.00 120.00 Adult - Monthly 30.00 30.00 Youth /Senior - Annual 60.00 60.00 Youth /Senior - Monthly 15.00 15.00 Family - Annual 190.00 190.00 Family - Monthly 50.00 50.00 CCC - Pool & Fitness Adult - Annual 220.00 220.00 Adult - 3 Month 115.00 115.00 Adult - 1 Month 35.00 35.00 Adult - 10 Pass 70.50 70.50 Youth /Senior - Annual 105.00 110.00 Youth /Senior - 3 Month 55.00 55.00 Youth /Senior - 1 Month 25.00 25.00 Youth /Senior - 10 Pass 32.00 3200 . CCC - Pool Fitness & CFC Squash Adult - Annual 264.00 New Adult - 3 Month 138.00 New Adult - 1 Month 42.00 New Adult - 10 Pass 85.00 New Youth/Senior - Annual 132.00 New Youth /Senior - 3 Month 66.00 New Youth /Senior - 1 Month 30.00 New Youth /Senior - 10 Pass 39.00 New CFC - POOL Adult - Annual 104.50 120.00 Adult - Monthly 27.50 30.00 Youth /Senior - Annual 55.00 60.00 Youth /Senior - Monthly 13.00 15.00 Family - Annual 176.00 192.00 Family - Monthly 44.00 48.00 CFC - POOL & SQUASH Adult - Annual 170.50 180.00 Adult - 3 Month 99.00 108.00 Adult - 10 Pass 60.50 65.00 Youth /Senior - Annual 88.00 90.00 Youth /Senior - 3 Month 49.50 54.00 Youth /Senior - 10 Pass 27.50 33.00 CF-C- COUPLES Discontinued CORPORATE DISCOUNT 25% 1026 Attachment 7 Report CS -09 -00 Program /Service Unit 1999/2000 2000/2001 ' Comments Rate Rate PROGRAM FEES Fitness Fitness Appraisals I Hour 20.00 20.00 Fitness Assessments !Hour 20.001 New Personal Training Hour 25.00 25.00 Personal Training '5 Pass 165.00 165.00 Personal Training 10 Pass 300.00 300.00 Aerobics 20 Classes 68.00 70.00 Aerobics 30 Classes 92.00 104.00 Aerobics 40 Classes 115.00 138.00 March Break Day Trips - Daily 47.00 50.00 Day Trips - Week 132.00 140.00 Camp - Daily 30.00 30.00 Camp - 5 days 80.00 85.00 Camp - 10 days Discontinued Summer Camp Per Week Weekly 80.00 85.00 Leader in Training jWeekly 150.00 150.00 Before & After iDaily 5.00 5.00 Aquatics Aqua Quest - Aqua Tots 10 Lesson 50.00 52.00 Aqua Quest - Levels 1 - 4 10 Lesson 50.00 52.00 Aqua Quest - Levels 5 -12 10 Lesson 55.00 57.00 Bronze Medallion 16 Lesson 120.00 120.00 Bronze Cross 10 Lesson 110.00 110.00 Aqua Leaders 30 Hours 160.00 160.00 Instructor /NLS 55 Hours 200.00 200.00 Semi - Private- 2/Class 10 Lesson 93.00 100.00 Private 10 Lesson 160.00 160.00 Aqua Adult Instruction 10 Lessons 60.00 60.00 Aqua Fit - 1/week 10 weeks 69.00 70.00 Aqua Fit - 2/week 10 weeks 92.00 104.00 Aqua Fit - 3 /week 10 weeks 135.00 138.00 Bronze Star 10 Lessons 60.00 60.00 Junior Life Guard 10 Lesson 70.00 70.00 Synchronized Swim 10 Lessons 54.00 54.00 10