HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-11-14 Hampton,Yov.14/42. Darlington Council Met- this day at 2-30 P-11- for Court of Revision,to hear and determine the several complaints against the Assessment Roll for the year 10 .,43. 17he Council formed themselves into a Court and the first case called was that of O.L. Warren complaint being raised assessment.On motion of R.F,.Steve ' ns and S.E.White his assessment was raised $25.00 more.to 400.00. The second case was that of Mrs.Blizabeth Stru-tt,complaint being too 'high assessment On motion of S.E.White And R.R.Stevens her assessment be lowered 300.00. The next case was that of Mis,Fva Bragg,asking for a reduced assessment on account of having her barn buxned,and also for a reduction in her taxes for 1942.On motion of R.F. Squair and S.B.19hite the assessment be reduced $750.00 on 'buildings, On motion of R.K.Squair and A-.th= Millson,the taxes be refunded to Mrs.3ragg on 750.00 of her assessed value for 1942. On motion of W.R.Pickell and Arthur Mlillson,the taxes be refunded. to Mrs-Stratt On 300-00 of her assessed value for 1942. On motion the council reverted to ordinary buisness and adjourned. Clerk.le Peeve,