HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-09-06 Hampton Sept,6,1941. Darlington Council met this day with the members all present.Reeve W.R?Pickell presiding. The mim:ites of the last meeting were read ,and on motion adopted as read. Councillor R.R.Stevens reported on taking the two school children to Toronto Exhibition and also described the banquet which they attended. Co "cations were read which on motion were ordered received and filed,' Thomas Raker addressed the council re; road between lots 29 8P-9 con.6,stateing that this road was in a disgraceful condition. As this road was on the programme for repairs there was no further discussion, The bills were read and on motion were ordered to be paid as read. Discussion took place regarding the price being paid for crushing and hauling gravel. The council believed that John Melaren was loosing money at the present price and they agreed to pay him ten cents per yard more,provided the Department would give their approval This condition was brought about by heigher wages,advances in the price of gas , extra gas ta$,higher costs of machine repairs and unemployment insurance costa,' On motion the Clerk was instructed to have the tax bills printed at the Statesman Office, T,H,Richards presented his reports and vouchers for Agmst,which were on motion accepted and voachers ordered to be paid, On motion of R.K.Squair and R.R.Stevens, the Road Supt.and Coun.White make inspection for gravel on Mrs Agness Shortt farm and report. On motion of R.R.Squair andS.E.White,the road supt and Dep.Reeve Pascoe inturview Cyril Mumford regarding car damages,' The following bills were paid Henry Wilcox Cutting weeds .75 Dr.W.H.Stanley Pneumo thorax refills 6.00 F,L.Byam relief 5.40 Z,Piddack 7.o6 Miss E.A.Holt 5.00 Bell Telephone Service Cbgs 2.40 J.D.Hogarth 1 Rim Lock ,75 Counties Treas. Hospital Maint. 30.63 F.B.Glaspell Sheep Insp.' 5.00 tlaur Nicholls Live stock damages 52.00 Grant Bennett Sheep damages 37.50 IT.J.Woodley Sheep insp. 7.00 Dr.C.J.Austin M.O.H. 30.00 Roads & Bridges Maint.& repair 2261.41 J.D.Hogarth Excise & postage 3.00 J.D.Hogarth salary 100.00 Silas Williams w 'deed Insp.! 12.25 Sheppard. & Gill Coal 23.25 F.L.Byam Supplies for fence 21.03 C.Mi.11s Labor L460 Howard Py® Labor 6.60 Hilton Tink Killing dog 5.00 G.A.Barron s Supplies 1,50 2 35Z"03 Clerk Reeve I