HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-01-10 Z� TOY, Jan.101th !Q}�-
meetin- of the Tolmnshi-o of Darlin-Etor. tock -oi ace
,,7ith the :-embers all -oresent. Rev. `V . Rac7_-- .ram read a -portion of Scri-ctare, add
sed the council with a very a *a* e n
iessage. and ofFfered. -prayer.
R.P. Ste7e:asU , Denat7 D Reeve, -v-,h_J moved a vote of thanks ch was tendered to
1"Ir. Racki, for his service.
1111s -.,ninutles of the last meeting were read, and on motiont
acio-, ed'.
T"he council a6lJourned for :=ch.
he council resumed. 'ou.siness. j.]Di, HeylazL addressed the co-=cil.
On ncti On of R.R. Stevens and S. ITL,i t-e 9 the co-jr-ci I order sever, coTAe s
0-f, TrTtmioi-oa]. World.
ConmnuLuaf cation was received. from �taeen Elizabeth Hospital asking for assur-
ar.ce that, -he of Dar- ingtor would be res3,-,onsi-ble for the charge of 11-1-s.
Florence Pemberthy, if and, -,,hell she becomes a, patient of this hos7, ital. The Clerk
was authorized to make necessar-u- arrangements for ta]zing Ers. Peimbert:7 to this
hos-p-itai when the time comes for her removal
On motion of S.E. VFhitle and R.R. Stevens,, the Read. Su-oerintendent draw --Im
sho7iir-i, -j--,'here roads need brushing.
On motion of S.E. IT'hite and R.R. S:t9vers, this Council grant �100.00 for
the Salvation A=zy for resuae 7vorl---- among young -iris and mothers
On motion of R.K. Solla,ir and Artr 11illison, this covuacil send membershi-o
fee of 85.00 to the Secretarytreasurer of the Good Roads Association.
for the ap-pointinE; of School Attendance Officer, Sheep 7a2:aalors,
Weed ins-oeet-oz-, Ilocal Board of Health, and. Park- Commission, were liven their several
and on :motif on were ordered to be si`;ned, sealed and r_-=Ibered.
to ic-7,yy and collect an:-ma.11y, a s-pecial rate for the Federation of ASrioj_-lt=e, for
the County of Duxham, vias also intraduced, and on motion i7er, its several readings,
and ordered to be signed, sealeC, and- =_mbered.
.Ehle Road Skroerintendent nresented his report which was acre-oted.
On r-no"lion of R.K. Squaf r and ArthurIli"Ison, the e Clerk -and. Reeve be suljhor�
ized to sign T.H. Richards annual re-port before sending in to the De-oartment.
On rlIotion of R.K. Souair and R.R. Stevens, this canncil ask for tenders for
cruse ng tem t1iousand (10,000) yards of grave'L.
The bills were read and on motion were ordered to be -paid, as follows:-
Dr. O.J. leas tin Y.0.H. CO
2.i;.T. Slemon- & Son Relief 10.00
71. 7 D
_3,y-am do
1111�iss E.-L. Holt "0 4.00
-2- IIA�211TCITI,
J.D. Ho,-a.rtlh Excise & Postage 84®00
Bell Tele-ohone Co. 2.Go
letter Sh3D lo.50
- - . -L7 50 cavies fir�--r4stmt-
,701='a Hei,mer Sheep images 20".00
T,W. W-cO6-1--y Shee-o 2.00
',-- 'P. "10.00
�V.-- Greer—,way Sheep d-amage s r-
F.P- C-Las,rje I I Sheep i=s 7,-e C 2.Q0
Counties Tres s. HOS-0italization
'Dr. W.H. Ste--n-Ie7,- -ImeiLmo Tho2?E,,z '.Refills 21.00
Oa"- Statesran
-- - `7�02 7i"Torif - -.V;or,f,
�,unc I.- I co-cies 7.00
Sal vatlion -Lrray G--ant 100,00
T.J. L'Iembershi-o 'Lee Good.
F,oads 'Assoc. 5.00
On motion the c —,ncil a-aJo=necl to met FebmarY, 51,h.