HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-03-04 h
this day 7,-7ith -" e mem"bers all nresent, exc;el,--�t S.Z. "irafte
,ho "-"as a-osemt th:rvaush attendi:2E: a fumeral.
E-Iae m-'-Iyates of the last meet-in— weze read, :,.-,.ad on -mc-,ion ado-oted.
0Q=,IU.n-;CatiCn W-aS real -frOM Cail-adiaz, Na-Uioimai hastnatefor the 31ind as!-zin--,' -r-arn-,ission
hold -'I-he 707,-.Tr shi�p of Darlir-Eton orn Saturi5l-�-,,- 'Ja7 17th.
On M-3tion of sc,-aair anc! R.R. Stevens the osnmfl sr. Ibis grazate6.
On- -MO'UiO-n Of 1R.R. Stevens a-nd A.. "I",ill son this Councl= �-ecnt the Siclk Ohildre-as,
25 mac.
7,,-as read from A.S. 11,117-ler, Counties Engi neer, as':--in; this 110,,7jushf- to
aath, orize the -olowin.-� of sm)ow flora Tc-,:-La :A-me Clark to t'he I-nterii-,��2ent, 10=, ,:) on Con3sssi--n 2.
On :notion of R.R. S-I.-e7e--,'lS and R.zF. Sp-nair teat,-' C1e2k ge-Q- in touch 7,-ith Ola-l-e .41-11in
hi-M! for a letter stat4nz that the rate-oa7/ers on Concession 2 v,,-ouia -be res-.00nsi-ble for
the cost Of this S-Io01o73Yly a-nd 'h-- t this authority then ire granted.
Dr. O.J. Awast-in addressed. the 0olancil re '.-.O.H. duties.
,VMS - -i were ordered to be -oaid.he ,VMS v,,,ere reaL, and o:L
H.0. W. TIii-i s tenae:i.,aL' 02 t'ne crashin-:c- Of 11000 yarf�s of gravel at S5� er y rd aei-'v-
L ;a
ered on "L17-1-a road to a distance of o m.'Ies and 100
Per :mlile extra any distaoce over
6 miles. 0-,, -,Illot-ion of IR-K. Squal-- and .,Lrth-u-- Idillson t'"M s tender be received.
Wages as set by the Council are as f ol-i oT,.7s
7,L,aintp-L-c-er o'3erator
Traotor 0-oerator
r-a6er opera t-or
:P=rn -11'r-nctor '11.00 ��,ar hour
7il 6 C)
7o- tn'-CL'7S 1.50
:aess than 3 -,70-s. 1-50
Ffl9 36
. 77aM Re. of 89-37
:Bell Tele-oho-ne Co. Ser7ice ch-s. 3.92
Provincial Tream "�er Dnsulim 4-71
J.D� HoEarth Felornary 100.00
J.D. Ho"��arth Postage and Exoise 00
Dr. O.J. k-,stin 11.0.H. 30.00
Tor.Starm `d' Stenu-il, ';Pks. Dog Tea-gs- 41
ier & Co.
Shee3 Larazes
1y. 1-700C17 e*u- Shee-0 Ims-cectio-n 2.70
e 1- Shee-o d.,-=---,,es 10.GO
T.II. Slemon & Son Re 1 i of
To w n of owmazw, 11e 0 our t costs
1E.A. Holt Re 1-1 e f 3 00
Dr. -,W.H. St-a-ale-u- :1-c-eumo T"Liorax, Refills 1x.00
Roads and 3ridgles 1aintenar-ce 2. 'Re-oair 1" 70
On motion the co,,mcii of jou-zed to meet Amrill 1st,