HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-07-08 Mff
F=-otma, itly 8tth 19�441
Daxlin`ton Oo-i-acil -met-' this day with t0he membs:,s allCrewe b, 4 Reeve
?iCL:ell -,rasifling. The -min-ates of the 1ast meet'ing b7e-_e read., and- on motion
a,lo-_ted as -I-ead.
1?ie aoc.Lfent to "rs. C. Parsons oar was dffsc;assed_' langth. 0-n -0tion
of R.R Stevens as -Axt 1',,Iillso_n the Clerk v,-rite the Insurance Ag'ej�t am - t- - s
colancil ,,as not astis-Eied wit'la the 77�ay they are using- us -by not sattl4ng . orLs of 0-L _
LI - ',z
cla-iMs. On Motion of FZ. Squair and. R.R. Stevens the lJerk writs F.I 1.1=7 is re
School =se.
On motion of R.K. squa-ir and IL E,. Stevens the Clerk write to G.R. Taylor
anf. sae? that t"his will be glad- to close azid sell Seventeenth and. Ei,-:;h-
tea-nth A7enaes in :�rc.Ice-n Fro:at, Ooncessiom Lots 221 and, 23, Plan T'I'97, Ontario Bee!:Ya
,sereire yls read. azad.. or 2iotion orae_"edl to 'be -,,oaicl.
On. mnotion, of R.R. Steve-as and. L-t 117f_1.lson, thisgTant- to 0=no
$ 00.
T.H. -oresented his re-dort aiad 7oao-hers for Janea.aiL:h w'ere on
motion accented. and V,7L�chers ordere6 to "Ibe -oaid.®
On motio-n of R.F. Stevens and S.E. Whits this council 'pay :Mrs. C.Stap'llens
for services rendered as Jaaii tor,
On -n0 ti o-31 0 f H.R. Stevens a na 4. 1Z 11 s o n, Ti.F� Richards and S.J. shite -be
:_ ,)ointed to meet Otto Virtze regard-Lag bri6_,ge timber.
Bell TLaohona- Co. Service C11gs. 2.63
q �_
F.Ii. :-Y_eumns Raiie f 'GoI-
T."Ly Slamon & Soil 'Mrs. cowli ng
Dr. W H. sta-zaley Pnevuno Tho-r-
azc Refills
Dr. J. 'L cher Brom do
Ontario Hos-0ital He ParkiLas L 6.0,0
Peters �ork in Bark. 31,.L45
F.B. Glas-pell Sheep Inspection �
O.J. Kerslake Sheep damages i&oo
Forbes Heylp-ld. Sheep danage s 16.oc
H.J. "Hie-lamd. eve stock ins-oect. 8100
Johan Sutter wive stock da-mages 9�;1 00
Ga,rfi "D 'Lanrail Live stock damages 15100
Dr. O.J. Austin 0.H. 30,00
J.D. Hogaxfa June salary 125-00
J.D. Hogarth Excise � Postage 3.00
i.4H. Sta;-oles Grant Orono Fair 5-00
,Iiss Holt Relief co
lirs. C. Ste-'hans Janitor 50.00
On mo',ion coancil ad .aarned to meet Aug;.st 5f-a at 1 o1clocko