HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-08-05 Dar ir-�2-tlon Ocrm.rAll -inet, this d�- , ,"kith 'chase- all -'resent. 'The zn? ateS
of +,'-,,ie last meetir-v were read. azya aao-,D`-�eL,
m o',-i o r- of --P R,. Sl-leve-ns S.7. Vynite •+t-he Oler�k 7!---ite P.2 s c the
—f f 8.S. 7;e acn��t if tL��se
ac:t t1hat the est-iTat
eslima tes 'have t`lalcen cars Gm share Of, the scho:: =-ars-- or --cit, -t-nt that
the Townslii-G: �:f are not illin�-- azce�t any E�hare S4:.h,3ol 7.urse frwri
--oti-on Of S.----. 'Z;�i`e ana '., :` son the Oaua--,cil in*s::-)ect 'he lri6lgs L)
re: Otto Virtue.
Hr. F. Swalicu addresBed- 'the :,.-e -mitti:aE an slectric -fencF � tas, s1de
of the -road. and -oastu-re ir-silde the fence.
11-1 hia �y.
,7ec. 7-a:-z7oull addressed t-, e co-,.7-nc`L--L re., Fo17,er er
-=o -Le
t-2-C-0 �Ie :?e -7, SdS. This 7�P-s referred
3 a. n 7, as fro e o, - 7 s
nZ e
tae -1`Ieea
Un ---,o t on 'e1 a.K. S^STI a.i r azid R s R. S t-e v e n s =a�,S5
CA.S. Fic2�:ard be a�,n to t--ae
oil motion of --P.K. Sc-aa,--Ir ama S.E. Tihita the Gler.c have the necessa-1-71- 710*1�ir:eS-
u I re: ^IoSj%- 17 and 15 a7el—rles and up and a"d7e-.A sea.
77'al-'ZIer Shortt com,31ained as to flooding their -olaoe in the S-prila;R, of
the 77-ear.
On motion of R R. Stevens and R.R. Stevens the Clara -orocure fo= screens.
The 'bills T:ere read and on motion of R..H. Squair ama R.R. Stevens 7were ordered
to be a-s reaL,
-Richards -orese--ted h-IS 8MC1 von;--hers -for July ,Vhich i,7ere on 2:1otion
a�,Oe7�tea a--Ia vouchers ordered- to be Baia.
On motion of 3.7'. 31-o--air and S.E . V`rhite thf-z coumccil ha7re Section 3 re;Dogs
adverti' se-1 Li the States--n ana Osha:,7a Times ame, that 100 cc-oies 'be -orimted ana di�--
tri't-ated to all schools, Post offices and stores, ama -put, u-p an-y cons-1,)4-cuous place.
H. Tda"'chcrn Cutting weeds (Cemetery $4.50 H.Stevellson damages ?20.00
Oliver 'JeO"-"loch Killing dog & di,&-nages 105,00 S tan.ii eb b e r do 122.00
. 0 la=,
H ear�,s Ins. 'rem. ori. Booth 1".C)c 73do 10.00
Bell Tele�ahone Service ch.-s. 3.00 1 r s.R.T7�2;.gh t, do 10.00
;ilhillier & 00. Live stocL- claim 5-90 0 forms '.:D.Hogarth Jal.Sal. X00.00
3yem ?elief 71197 J.D.Hogarth Z xc.�2- ost, 3.00
Slemon Relief S100 Fercy Cann 7.,amages -01,00
Colmat-ies Tlreas. Hos7,,;ita-lization 7 -50 Geo. Annis do 00
%Tebz S-u-t-I'ler 0
W 0 1-
Voodley Z�i-7e stocl�: ins-o. 2"0 90
Gr`mt Bennett Damages & Hilling dog 30.00 1,,Lalcolm do 14, 00
.2T7-i Ile :P.U.0, Se?''.
Glen Piclz--ell Zilling t-vo dogs 10.100
Dr.0.J. as t in 1,,A.0.H. 50.100
otion the ad-nouxned :bo meet SantleDfbey 2-na at ore ofclo�.