HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-03-03 T
Haz-vton,Izarch 3rd$10, 5.
Darlington Council met this day with the members all gresent.Tbe m2inates of the I&Q-t
meeting were read and on motion re adopted as r icstiusn was reed from Mr.
'WrV McCready asking for particulars of tenders for Gravel arwhingTbe Clark was ins
tructed to write him in this reg Other co=amications were read =d ordered filed,
The dills were read and on motion were ordered to be paid.
Tender for price on Tractor was ppened and read frcmUr.James te, ketcn. t. The
Clerk was inztracted t4 write . to and say that the Go=cil woula not accept the
highest or any tender at the present time as they were doubtilal as to the deli7vary of
the machinery on order,
Tenders for crashing and. delivering on the roads in the Township of Darlington,9000
r more bic opened and read from R. ® ® 1i at .90 °tic yard.
On tion of S.R.Taits and . .S 3. °�R. . . s lls tender was accepted,
On motion of B.Z.1hite and R.K.Squair the Clerk was instnicted to advertise for applic
ations for the Office of Assessor.Applications to be in the hands of e Clerk by l
o'clock noon Emrsday March 22.
On motion of R.K.Sqwir and A.Millson,the following rates of es he pad for the year
1945s- Tems 600 per hour.Yan Labor . •h5O per hour,Bridgeworkers .50¢ PerhoursT-Tactor
and nor man . r hm-traGrader men 6500 Per hour,3 yard tracks 1p50 ger .
On tion of R.K.Scraair and A.Ullsonthe Clerk was ins ted to notify .B.Zing that
his services would not he required for the year 19 tO
ft motion of S.E.White and R.K.Squair this eou=il advertise for two 7 snow plows.
T,&Mchards presented his report and voachers. fcc Pebruscy9which were on motion ce
pted and vouchers ordered to be
On motion of S.Z.MAte and A.Millson the matter of Wiggans road 'bridge be left in
the hands of the Road Superintendent and R.W Ilichcls.
On tion of R.I.Squair andA.Millson The matter of J.W.Watson road he left in the hands
of the Road Suoarintendent and "Stevens.-
On motion
Steve .-
ticn cf A.Millson and ILK. r,R.R.Stevens and R. '. ichol.s be a coemIttee to
inspect with power to purchase BuIldozer and attachments complete,if it is suitable to
mo=t on Mir tractor,
On motion the Council adjourned to meet Saturday April 7 at I o'clock and Mmrsday
March 229 at 2 of clock.
The following hills were d.
Bell Telephone Co. Service Charges 3.46
P.L.2yam, Charity 11..92
.C.J.Austin .0?H. 30.00
Counties Treasurer Hospitalization 3.
Provincial s. Insulin 3.7
J.D.Hcg ise and Postage 3.00
J.D.Hogarth 7ebrwary Salary 100.00
Roads and Bridges nt® air 59,1.4
Clerk. J Reeve.