HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-05-07 E` TO "ice-' y 7th 1945-
Darlipyton Cum it met this day with the mnEbers all present.
The in ns of the loss zacting 75ee read, am cm motion aaaDted
On notion of R.W. Yinhols an? Arthur Mil on, this cuuncill Pent to Hos pitall
for Sick Chit drea, tK sam. of *50,01m
K motion of 2.0 S'Sair and S.E. White, the cauncil give their appro7al for
SUI MUMM tO IS Made by S01diere Settlement and 7e assns Zand Act.
On motion of R.E. Quair and Arthur Millson, the Clank procure the revised
Its !ills were reaas and on motion were ordered to be Jaid.
It Was =07ed by K &100n, second by R.W. Ylsh,ols, that no action in beg
to Rudolf Mach Dog tax, be Klan.
On motion of S.L White and R.W. Njohns, this council have a letter
orinted amd ;ent or deliverei to each property owner descrihiBE luild&E restriction
in certain areas.
The Kern to prepare a detailed statementz of cup errea,rs of taxes
The Kerl was imsass acted to add 2oaa Speer intenjentis salary to the minates
as jablishal in the Stateamam,
Tenders for snow 1107 were opened, an Charles Foymton, District Zrjineer'
1005d 07sr the tenders. !he matter of SKSCUM9 SnOW PPO W MS left 07M tO a.
future tel which was to he decided on later.
On msti= Of A- hillsOn and R.T. Squair, the Gleil write tie OaTruChars ita.
and gi7e VISO Consent tO qaply again in SiX Weeks time.
Tie Reeve stated the sonUtion of Claude Smith. on motion of S.E. white
and A. hillson, the Reeve keep in touch wit! the Smith case, and if and �s
Wo give him assistance as required.
On motion the culvert rS� t+�'d�a�ayrra�sJ�t��torto n, beleftin 1.H. Richardsnds.2he Zeeve mwas a suZgssn rging the teaatification of the parl, as
a recreation centre for the Townsh4p.
T.E. Riches ls presented his report an! Vouchers for April, while were on
motion a0zeyted and vauchers ordered to be jaid.
On motion of S.B. White and A. hillson tie Road Superintendent, order the
necessary steel for Randle bridge.
7- 2
The Stew d,o-nt- �o HOSI�itaa
SSS�cl-7s� fuei
H i•,. IL - LBell 271 el"hons, Co. Service 2 mos.
shap2ana anf, Gill
Dr. Aus-"'m
J-D. H,3ga:�t-h '1710stzaze, -amL, Excize.
'.a® By
Hos2ita.l for 3-1,cic Ohild--,sri G--azt
T.H. Rich-azds AI)ril
'on Motion Of R.Z. STzalr S"na 2. Xioh�cls, the ne.-,:: ms-etim-F to 'Ibe he ILi