HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-09-05 Dz�xrlim,zton Tovmshi:,� Counci! ms�t thas aaay 7,, :Lth the members a-11i M-,S MiMlteS Of '::19 la,-=t- 7-S TeX-P-, CZ YellEc'n, 01si:)OZma. -before t,:�as :,-Labllity =cl, 'Ibraaz�ht- me- erS of h�Lz '0 a2- 'lain j7�1 7M zzuzamiac mission, to the reziian-ts of 70 �yssent thir eretitllom "'a Hya�a 03 S S--',con, az:zing for ztreet li, n "ZI-S -illsage -,-F z1am:13tom. 77'eater 7-Isit'scl tt:�as sn asl--MSa for the Zia�, Iil-ill,-7 :mT Le Cf D- arlinstlLn-m for !P14-57. Cn S �i'l-a, Scf,aair t:l-;-- cic,;�"accil aavert-Lsz fnar tender for Liability the, tendler.-; t`0 "!-'s in for lwiabilit-y lza�=-am-ce, -the, tenders to be 4-.m the Clez°zlz h n"Is by Th Z,�,s -dlis were .-ep.,a aml on motincza or erea to loe On motion of34Y. &Taal-r aa,;Fl S.'. Talts `C�e losal Boara Heali:21 =szeta to ma27e 7ay fo-" the ca-umt,"y Ecrear-Ith Unit. 73-1,aw, 110. . 22,24' for Debent-m-res for Sq.& !Q� S 7aS itS P.M nmE-rsdd. araz re-norl- anzl voucha-rs 7ere esem,.ea ch, .L$E Ql whi- i7ers on ()n MC':!= Of SoUa, r thiZ ZGUMCil Set +,hS- T.07MS!, mills. Dr. O.J. Aactin Ml .0.H. $ Olt-racle Smitn, Zellsf, $21.'= Be' 30excl, 4- J.D. HoSexth 100.00 Js D. HcgartL Excise & postage "'D C --m=za, $35.00, M'R. pic:rell- Boara. of Health 10.20 sout'll on-ta-7-io R.2.Sfi e7.ens Ghadnmn :45 R T J.D. Hogazth, SSC-ret-EX,7 C;Sntral Syd. zTersey sami ra-�� lnz-ge,-,tor 2 2.0 100. Cla,=tia,z lreasm--er 7;,. -ZH. Richa_ a's, 51.7 pro7ir-,-�ial Treaz. 4.7 T ,4.I'jo L r1,-51, 771 Xeith Peters Zilling dc� AC* 7.� 00,haxi Cay loth 4 On mot 12 0a the mueeting aaJourned, to meel October 19'15-