HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-10-03 i i October 3, 1957. Darlington Township Council met on the above date with all Members present, Reeve Nichols presiding. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Trull that the minutes of previous meeting be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Thompson and Smith that the East Whitby Township account as presented b - Mr. Marston, be passed as presented. lµ`736.22 Res. 2 Moved by Councillors Smith and Thompson that the Southerly eighty rods of the Road Allowance between Lots 26 �: 27 in the 9th Con. of the Township of Darlington be leased to Fred Griffin for the sum of ? 1.00 per year. Moved by Councillors Trull and Smith that this Council refer the application of I'zr. G. Burnett for building permit on Block "B" of Burnett survey in Lot 35, Con. 3, Darlington to Township Solicitor. Res. 3 Moved by Councillors Trull and Smith : On `"'r. Marston' s inspection tour of the Town Line Road, between the Township of Darlington and the Township of East Whitby, between the 8th. and 9th. Concession of the Township of Darlington, this road was found to be in very bad condit'.on, and in need of construction. The people now living on this road have children going to school and it it practically impossible to keep this road passable during the winter and spring months. Therefore vie are petitioning the Dept.` of Highways to take over this piece of road under the Development Roa6 Appropiation, the purpose being to develop this 1 3110 mile of road into a satisfactory condition. Res. 2 Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Thompson that the Clerk write , the Clerk of .East Whitby Township that Council would like to meet with East `vhitby � Council and establish an agreement re Boundary Road. Moved by Coancillors Smith and Thompson that County= letter re Burketon approach be referred back to Counties' Engineer as Council feels that Councles should build approach to their fence line, also that R.S.Collings letter to be referred to idr. Totten. Moved by Councillors Trull and Thompson that Road Supt. be authorized to have replacement motor installed in 1953 truck. Moved by Councillor Thompson and Deputy peeve Rickard that Rule 33 be suspended for this meeting. A By-law to impose special tax rate on the property of Fred Viright under the provisions of the Tile Drainage Act was, on motion, given its three readings and ordered signed, sealed and numbered 2081. 'es. 11 Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Smith that the cost of cutting weeds on Branscombe property, Lot 35, Con 3, Darlington, be added to taxes for 1957 on property of said 4TT.B.Branscombe in said lot and Concession. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Trull that Council and Road Supt, make an inspection tour of roads during the last week of October, and that ter. Gorrie be invited also Building Snspector. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Thompson that the Latin Enforcement Officer be instructed to take immediate action against all persond operating in contravention of By-law 2021 . The Road.A-ccounts and the General Accounts for the ,month of September were passed for payment. ting adjourned to Thursday, October 10, at 1.30 P.M. Reeve Clerk.