HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 03-06-58 Hampton, March 6, 1958. Darlington Township Council met in the new Municipal Building on the above date, Members all present, Reeve Nichols presiding. Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted on motion of Councillors Trull and Thompson. Messrs. Banting and Kingdon addressed the Council re Membership in Lake Ontario Development Association. Moved by Councillors Thompson and Smith that this Township join the Assoc. for the year 1958. Moved b Councillors Smith and Trull that Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Thompson, with one more of their choice, act as an Industrial Committee and appoint delegates to the L.O.D.Assoc. Zone. (*$�i.ld Moved by Deputy Rvve Rickard and Councillor _ ' d that the General accounts to the amount of $177L3.53 be paid. Moved by Councillors Thompson and Smith that Road Accounts to the &,nount of 1+082.83 ,be paid. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Thompson that Tendervof Roads "esurfacing Co. of Chesterville, Ontario, for supply and application of Oil Prime, 141.I.P. R.C.14. and Surface treatment be accepted as read. Moved by Councillors Thompson and Trull that the request of the South D. A. School Board for approval of new School building be held over to next meeting. Moved by Councillors Smith and Thompson that letter from 4r . Strike re Mr. '«heir' s opinion on Sisson wrecking yard be received and filed, and that Petitioners be notified. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Thompson that certified Resolution be forwarded to Dept. of Planning & development re Conservation. Authority and that the meeting be invited to thur Municipal Building. Moved by Councillor Smith and Deputy Reeve Rickard that Cliff Pethick be appointed Warble Fly Inspector for the year 1958 at $ 1.15 per hour and .08¢ per mile. Moved by Councillors Thompson and rull that Clerk be authorized to purchase sufficient quantity of Warble Fly Powder for 1958 spraying programme. Moved by Councillor Thompson and Trull that Rule 33 be suspended for this s meeting. A By-law to provide for the 1958 Expenditure on Roads'i.n the Twp. of—7--l", --l",s Darlington was, on motion ;given its several readings and ordered to be signed Zl, sealed and numbered 209.4.x' Meeting adjourned to 1.30 of March 7. March 7, 1958. Council re convened this day. ga , On motion a By-law to appoint an Assessor for the Twp. of Darlington was given its several readings and ordered to be signed, sealed and numbered 2087 On motion a By-law to appoint a School Attendance Officer for the year 1958 in the Tvwp. of Darlington, was given its several readings and ordered to be signed, sealed and numbered 2089. Twp. of Darlington. Page 2. On motion a By-lar to appoint a Building Inspector for the Township of Darlington was given its several readings and ordered signed, sealed and numbered 2091. Clerk was instructed to prepare By-laws providing for 'tThrough Streets" on the road between Lots 30 and 31, from Highway 401 through the 3rd Concession and on the sane road from the huzenko Farm to the 10th Concession, and on the X,restonvale Road from No. 2 Highway South to a point 500 feet south of the North limit of Concession 1. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Thompson that salaries xf be XKKUUTOM in the Township of Darling as presented on sheet dated February 12,1958. Clerk was instructed to write the S.D.A.School Board, re complaints. (See attached sheets. Council adjourned. s f` 157 e, ........ ....... .. . . . .. Reeve Clerk. I