HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-43-00 , ~ -~- ,~ , THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Meeting: REPORT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # 10;:;- SEPTEMBER 5, 2000 Res.lt:1tJ- jfr-Ob Date: Report No.: WD-43-00 Our File No.: D.02.33.09 By-Law # Snbject: CLOSURE OF INTERSECTION OF OLD KINGSTON ROAD AND PRESTONV ALE ROAD IN COURTICE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-43-00 be received; 2. THAT Part X, Plan 40R-XXXX (shown on the Key Map - Attachment No.1), being part of Old Kingston Road in Concession 2, Lot 33, former Township of Darlington, be stopped-up and closed; /. ./ L,,/' 3. THAT Staff be authorized to advertise a public hearing required by the Municipal Act to stop-up and close that portion of Old Kingston Road shown as Part X, Plan 40R-XXXX; 4. THAT if following the Public Hearing, Council approves the by-law to stop-up and close Part X, Plan 40R-XXXX, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents; 5. THAT the Clerk obtain written approval of the by-law to stop-up and close the subject portion of Old Kingston Road being Part X, Plan 40R-XXXX, from the Regional Municipality of Durham; and 6. THAT the abutting property owners be advised of Council's decision. 1 i 43 . REPORT NO.: WD-43-00 PAGE 2 REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.1: Key Map No.2: Correspondence from Region of Durham dated March 26, 1997 No.3: Report WD-42-98 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Council, at its meeting of February 10,1997, passed By-law #97-28 to stop-up and close the Old Kingston Road Bridge and approaches to vehicular traffic. This was the result of the deterioration of the bridge over Farewell Creek. When the bridge was closed, all traffic access to Old Kingston Road was by way of the intersection at Old Kingston Road and Prestonvale Road. 2.2 Council at its meeting of February 24, 1997 passed the following resolution: "THAT the Department of Public Works be requested to examine and make recommendations pertaining to a safer entry onto Prestonvale Road from the Old Kingston Road." Report WD-42-98 (Attachment No.3) concluded that: "the elimination of the residents' traffic concerns must be resolved through development of Osgoode Gate with the closure of Old Kingston Road at Prestonvale Road." 2.3 In correspondence from the Region of Durham dated March 26, 1997 (Attachment No.2), the Region recommended that the Town eliminate the intersection of Old Kingston Road and Prestonvale Road and provide access through the extension of Osgoode Gate. The Public Works Department pursued these options with the Developer/Property Owner of the lands abutting Osgoode Gate. The Developer, Hannu Ha1minen, agreed to extend Osgoode Gate as part of the development construction. 1144 . REPORT NO.: WD-43-00 PAGE 3 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 Construction of Os go ode Gate Hannu Ha1minen submitted a plan to develop property on Osgoode Gate. The Developer agreed to extend Osgoode Gate to provide access to Old Kingston Road, construct a "T" turnaround for maintenance vehicles, and install a barricade at the proposed terminus of Old Kingston Road at no cost to the Municipality. The pavement will be removed and the area restored by placing topsoil and sod. 3.2 Abutting Property Owners All abutting property owners have been notified of the proposed closure of the intersection and no obj ections have been registered. 3.3 Circulation of Proposal to Agencies and Authorities This proposal has been circulated to all appropriate agencies and authorities. No objections have been received. The Region of Durham support the closure as stated in correspondence from Mr. Mike Gough, Senior Traffic Engineering Technologist, dated March 26, 1997 (Attachment No.2). 3.3 Cost The Developer, Hannu Ha1minen, has agreed to perform the works, at no cost to the Municipality, as part of the development of Os goo de Gate. It is estimated that legal, administration and advertising costs are approximately $2,000, which include preparation of a registered reference plan, registration of the by-law, etc. Costs will be charged to Public WOIks general administration accounts. 3.4 Future Maintenance of Old Kingston Road Funds will be included for consideration in the 2001 Maintenance Budget to apply surface course asphalt to Old Kingston Road on the east side of Farewell Creek and to provide a turnaround at the west side of the bridge. 1145 ~ REPORT NO.: WD-43-00 PAGE 4 (NOTE: Consideration for replacement of the pedestrian walkway across the Farewell Creek is a separate proj ect.) 4.0 CONCLUSION 4.1 The intersection of Old Kingston Road and Prestonvale Road was considered unsafe. The alternate access through construction of Osgoode Gate has been achieved through the co- operation of the Developer, at no capital cost to the Municipality. It is therefore recommended that the Public Works Department proceed to finalize the legal and administration requirements to stop-up and close the intersection of Old Kingston Road and Prestonvale Road. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~-v~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works O~-~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer JCO*SA V*ce 28/08/00 1146 ~\ I '------ future turning tE~e I I I I I ON ROp..O ,,\NGSl 0\.0 z o en z Ul ~ UJ UJ ~ C9 Ul o o o C9 (/) o HIGHWAY 2 "' \ \ Area to be \ \ landscaped , \ , \ Access to Prestonvale R~ad from Old Kingston Roa~ to be barricaded off \ \ 0 <l: 0 c:: II UJ ....I ::; Z 0 l- (/) UJ c:: c.. ~ L ROBER" ADAMS DRIVE rl' "S JI( 1P"~1t s il1 . " > c g ~ ll. "r' J, II ~ Ji_J i~'ll I ~ Ii Iii cJ ORAWNBYJ.RM II)i ! ! '-J! REPORT NO. WD-43-00 KEY MAP ATTACHMENT NO.1 II" DATE: JUNE 2000 i 4/ The Regional Municipality ot Durham Works Department Box 623 105 Consumers Dr. Whitby, Ontario Canada l1 N 6A3 (905) 668-7721 Fax: (905) 668-2051 V.A. SlIgailis, P.Eng. Commissioner of Works Please quote our ref: p--." - -. -. -----.- - '--'" -.. ...... . - - . . .~~IV~:---~~' "'~~~~7:-";~=':=~."-~~ March 26, 1997 f!.tj. ~.' ;'" ,- --< '--'____'~__'" ,io,_o.:.~"~",-_~.:.:...:o._.:;.:.-~':':;""_:"':;;;'~:;".___;;;;"",,,;,,~...,;.;....___ ._.____ Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3A6 Attention: Mr. Steve Vokes, P. Eng. Director of Public Works Dear Mr. Vokes: RE: Changes to Local Road Access at King Street East (Hwy. 2) and Prestonvale Road/Old Kingston Road - Courtice As you are aware, Clarington Council passed the following resolution concerning this intersection at its February 24, 1997 meeting "THAT the Department of Public Works be requested to examine and make recommendations pertaining to a safer entry ontoPrestonvale Road from the Old Kingston Road". Subsequently, Regional Councillor Larry Hannah advised the Regional Works Committee of this resolution at the March 4, 1997 Regional Works Committee (Other business; item 7. b). The traffic operational concern at this location has been the subject of previous exanrinaticn by Regional staff primarily since the High,vay #2 and Prestonvale Road traffic control signals are administered by the Regional Works Department. The suggestion to implement No Right Turns while facing a red traffic signal for eastbound motorists (eg. via posted regulatory signing) is not a realistic or practical option. There is a separate eastbound to southbound right turn deceleration lane on Highway 2 here now and the all day volume of vehicles making eastbound right turns is significant. Motorists would typically ignore this perceived unreasonable regulation and the potentially hazardous traffic conflict with vehicles exiting Old Kingston Road would continue to be a problem ..2 @ 1140 ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: WD-43-00 1 ~ Post Consumer . - 2 - It is therefore Regional staff's conclusion that another workable solution to ongoing traffic conflicts exists here. An existing dead end local street, Osgoode Gate could be extended northerly across undeveloped land by roughly 70 metres to connect the existing Cul-de-sac termination with a new intersection into Old Kingston Road. Local residence access made available through this local street connection would then . allow physically obstructed closing of the existing Prestonvale Road and Old Kingston Road connection. Old Kingston Road residents would then access Prestonvale Road via Osgoode Gate and Adams Drive which would be a much improved situation. Regional staff are available to discuss the feasibility of this proposed solution to an ongoing and undesirable traffic conflict. However, since Old Kingston Road, Prestonvale Road and Osgoode Gate are Municipality of Clarington jurisdiction roads, we will limit our involvement in possible design and implementation of the recommended changes. Yours truly, 44t~ Mike Gough, CET Senior Traffic Engineering Technologist /mgg cc: M. Lenters T. Prevedel Regional Councillor L. Hannah 4/, " ,..--~ ., r .,." l I ,,- L f' , . ., r .... THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OJ!' (;LARlNGTON X~~N:~~~~X REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # Res, # By-Law # Date: JULY 13, 1998 Report #: WD-42-<:l8 File #: Subject: SAFETY CONCERNS - OLD KINGSTON ROAD/PRESTONV ALE ROAD INTERSECTION, COURTICE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-42-98 be received for information. REPORT 1.0 ATIACHMENTS No.1: KeyMap 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At a meeting held on February 24, 1997, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington passed Resolution #GP A-89-97: "TIIAT the Department of Public Works be requested to examine and make recommendations pertaining to a safer entry onto Prestonvale Road from the Old Kingston Road" 3.0 3.1 REVIEW AND COMMENT An individual resident expressed safety concerns about the intersection during a meeting to discuss the closure of the bridge on Old Kingston Road. The only access for the five residents on Old Kingston Road is now from Prestonvale Road. ....,...IX\...... ~~.... 'tt:I:J ~'CYCU ATTACHMENT NO.: 3 REPORT NO.: WD-43-00 I]U "- REPORT NO.: WD-42-98 PAGE 2 3.2 This unusual intersection has been reviewed by both the Clarington Public Works Department and the Region of Durham. The problem is a result of the Old Kingston RoadlPrestonvale Road intersection being too close to Highway No.2. The Region of Durham advised the Municipality that the suggestion to implement a regulatory "No Right Hand Turn" sign while facing a red traffic signal for eastbound motorists is not a realistic or practical option. There is a separate eastbound to southbound turn deceleration lane on Highway No. 2 and the daily volume making the turn is significant. Motorists would typically ignore this perceived unreasonable regulation and the potential traffic conflict with vehicles exiting Old Kingston Road would continue to be a problem. 3.3 The only workable solution available is through future development when Osgoode Gate can be extended northerly across undeveloped land a distance of approximately 70 metres to provide a new access to the Old Kingston Road residents. The existing intersection at '" Prestonvale Road would then be closed to eliminate any future conflicts. 3.4 The Public Works Department is working with developers to facilitate the extension of Osgoode Gate, closure of Old Kingston road at Prestonvale and the residential development of abutting lands. A future report to Council will address this matter at the appropriate time. 4.0 CONCLUSION 4.1 The elimination of the residents traffic concerns must be resolved through development of Osgoode Gate with the closure of Old Kingston Road at Prestonvale Road. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by ~~ Stephen A Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works /f~ W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer RDB*SA V*ce 24/06/98 JI JL ",1='" ~IL~~~l Rd. ~-~ ~~(r-lll-- - -( ) ~ -=> I eJ) ~/ 8""'~) I -_/ FUTURE I CLOSURE 'O\..~0>f.. is " <ll 'E <ll - c I l'~~ <3 i .... _~__J r f.. I I I , '- 'V I i(;t ,I S:' II !' <<. " c:: Q) lii > c o - (J) ~ a. 1:: <ll o ~ r ~ ~ ~ -. ~ ,-" " 11'-----" - 1 i Jr.:' ~~- Highway NO.2 - King 51. !~ JI( IP"~~ 8 DRAWN BY: J.R.M DATE: JULY 199B REPORT WD-42-98 ATTACHMENT NO.1