HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 06-05-58 HI'111PTON, June 5, 1958. Darlington Tc'v,,nship Council met in the MIunicipal Building on the above date with all "embers present, Reeve Nichols presiding. Moved by Councillors Smith and Thompson that the minutes of two previous meetings be accepted as presented. Clerk was instructed to write to ldessrs halli3ay and Roberts re- dividing land and sale of lot. lklr. R. McLellan of the Frank Cowan Agency addressed Council, reviewing the Township' s Insurance coverage and made recommendations re grouping Insurance. cwl Moved by Dezutv Reeve Rickard and Councillor Thompson that the Deputy insurance Folicies�,be consolidated with a coaraon exziry date, being June,,- and, that the recormaendaTions as set fcrti-I by the Frank Cowan Co. on this date, be accepted through their agent, S.E.'White, Bowmanville, who is hereby appointed Broker for the Township, and who is to retain fifty percentof Commissions, the balance to be distributed by as directed by Council. Moved by Deputy 'peeve Rickard and Councillor Smith that road accounts in the amount of $28483.79>,�e paid. Moved by Councillors Smith and Thompson that General Accounts in the amount of $ 3750.1,1 be paid. W.R.Piokell, Weed Tnsuector, was authorized to order a quantity of weed spray® Mored by Councillor Thomason and Deputy peeve Rickard, that Clerk V write to Dept. of Highways, to arrange a special meeting with Council re-road closing C� along Highway # L01. Mr. James Anderson addressed Council re- establishing a dog pound and was advised to contact all his neighbours to get their approval. Mr. John Hughes of the J.T-.Crah&-n Co. addressed Council re issue of debenture for public school building. Moved by Deputy reeve Rickard and Councillor Trull that the off6rtl of J.T..Gral-iam Co. to purchase ?k23000. Debentures , 54 % at $99.10 , be accepted. Moved by DeDutv reeve Rickard and Councillor Trull that Councillor Thompson be authorized to hire a chain saw with operator to clear road between Lots 21 and 2;., Concession 5, Darlington. Moved by Councillor Thomspon and Councillor Trull that Rule 33 be suspended for the duration of this meeting. On motion, as attached, a By-law to amend By-law No. 2085 was given its three readings and ordered signed, sealed and numbered 2100. lovely Deputy reeve'� ckard and Councillor Thompson that the Rickard property of Wesley Werry, Lot 26, Concession 6, comprising about four(L) acres be exempted by By-lav, from By-law No. 2085 and that the Secretary of the Planning Board be authorized to stamp the deed. Moved by Councillors Trull and Smith that the Bell telephone Co. be given approval of the proposed installation of buried cable, providing it meets with the approval of the Road Supt. as to the depth of cable. Clerk was instructed to write to -,Water resources Coinmission re Planning. Moved by Councillors Thompson and Trull that -9",eeve and Clerk be authorized to exec-ate an agreement to maintain a portion of the Boundary Road with the Town of Bcwmanville. Reeve Nichols appointed Councillors Thompson and Smith and 4r. Varcoe, Building Inspector, to be a Committee to review the Township' s business with Mr. TheisberEer and report to Council. Clerk was instructed to write to the South Darlington Township Area School Board that they may use part of an office in the Township Building for a three- month period at a nominal fee to be arranged between the Board and Council. Clerk was instructed to prepare a list of all persons who have a key of the lduni C4-3A1 Office Building. J.D.Hocarth was instructed to investigate premises of "r. Parr, Lot 31 which seems to be being used as a wreck:'ng yard. Clerk was instructed to write C. Garton re used bus storage in T:ot 31, Co-n. 2, and to consult Mr. Strike. Clerk instructed to write Mr. Lashley to arrange an evening meeting with T-,,rone Community Hall Board. woad Superintendent. co--m-k., to be paid if aPPr Woad u? Isaac Hardy road ac- and Councillor that 74 G.Smith Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard be Cour Ontario Conservation Authority, Council' s Member on Central Lake Onta L Moved by Councillors Smith and Trull that this Council give approval to the proposal for lighting on Town Line West, providing the necessary majority of property owners petition Counc-, in favour of the proposal. Meeting adjourned to the call of the Chair. eel . .. ..... . .. .. . . . .. . . ... REEVE CLERK.