HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10-02-58 Hampton, October 2, 1 9 5 8. Darlington To,R+-nship Council met in the Council Chambers on the above date, all Members present with the exception of Deputy Reeve Rickard, Reeve Nichols presiding. ,Minutes of two previous meetings were read and on motion of Councillors Trull and Thom-cson, were approved as read, Mr. E. Knapp appeared re his property in Lot 7, B.F.Con. Darlington. (Former Cubitt Plan.) Moved by Councillors Thompson and Smith that no action be taken in the matter. Moved b;T Councillors Thompson and Trull that th e Clerk write to the S.D.T.A.School Board informing them that Councillor Thompson reports that at a Home and School Meeting at the new School Room at Mitchell' s Corners, the roof was leaking in at least two places and also rain care in around several new windows, also that all eQuipment in wash rooms was not in place. ?Moved by Councillors Smith and Trull that Clerk write to Hast Whitby Council stating that he will call East yrnitby Clerk to arrange meeting as soon as possible after week of October 12, 1958. Moved by Councillors Thompson and Smith that Clerk order one copy of 1958 Canada Year Book. Moved by Councillors Thompson and Smith that the Clerk write to the Attorney General' s Department asking that a Representative of the Dept. attend the November meeting of Council to inform the Council of various matters relating to the establishing of a Township Police Force. Moved by Councillors Trull and Thompson that the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to pay the September account of the Dept. of Highways"(Pool Shovel) when presented and approved by�th.e Road Supt. Moved by Councillors Smith and Trull that the Township accept from the Ont. Dept, of Highways parcel of land in Lot 1, B.F.Con. for the purpose of establish- ing a turning circle. Moved by Councillors Smith and Trull that Road Supt. repair the Theisberger sideroad and cut down the hill. Moved by Councillors Thompson and Smith that Mr. Stewart and Mr. Gorrie be asked to investigate the placing of the mill tail race pipe at Tyrone Mill. Moved by Councillors Smith and Thompson that Road Accounts in the amount of 9 128.37'be paid as presented. Moved by Councillors Thompson and Smith that Development Road Accounts in the amount of 3945.1& be paid as presented. Moved by Councillors Trull and Smith that the General accounts in the amount of 3225.00 be paid as presented. Meeting adjourned to the call of the Reeve. #'�--."'.efa••.: e` . • • .• ...................... .... Reeve Clerk.