HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 04-06-59 i Hampton, April 6, 1959, Darlington Township Council met in the Council Cha.'nbers on the above date to complete the regular April meeting. All IrIembers were present. Reeve Nichols presided® Tenders for the supply of a two-ton truck were opened and read as follows: Graham' s Garage, Studebaker,Packard,net price n 3801.05 Palmer Motor Sales , Fargo Net price 3328.71 Ontario I,iotor Sales, Chevrolet Net price 2920.65 . Cowan Equipment, Tnternational, Net price 3095.00 Cliff TIills I:Iotors, G.,'.C. Net Price 2950.00 Moved by Councillor Thompson and Dep. Reeve Rickard that the Tender of Ontario Motor Sales for the supply of a two-ton truck be accepted as submitted, with the exception of front tire size, which will be 8 ply, net price to be '2898.L5. Moved by Councillors Thompson and Smith that Clerk be instructed to write to Durham. County District High School Board to the effect that this Ccuncil feels that it cannot agree to the proposal outlined by the 7oard in its letter of April 2, 1959. This Council further suggests that since the majority of the Municipalities concerned are in agreement on the Darlington and Millbrook sites, but not on the Clarke-Newcastle site, an entirely independent Board of Arbitration be aprointed to s= est a site in Clarke or TTewcastle, and that this Council will agree to abide by the decision of such boder, and will agree to the issuing of debentures, when a satisfactory decision is reached. A letter fro P.G.Newell re safety i:;Shaw' s School was read. Clerk was instructed to write to South Darlington School Area Board, to the -,.effect that, since safety is the responsibility of the !Municipality, immmediate action must be taken, and that the Fire I`rlarshal' s Office should be notified. I.loved by C.ouncillor Smith and Dep, Reeve Rickard, that a grant of 525.00 be paid to South Ontario Agriculture Society, I,Iove by Councillors Smith and Trull that A.E.Thompson, A. Blanchard and E. .0®`Tice be a Committee to arrange a banquet for Warden Rickard. at Hampton Fall, not over 170 people to be invited and that it is recommended that tickets be x'2.50 each. Meeting adjourned. aI f . oo. e . i y-�r••s• RVE I ,�