HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 05-07-59 Hampton. Kay '7, 1059®
Darling .on Tm—v -shi-7, Council met in the Council 1_'!ha".r_bers on the
a�_,ove date. all Ilenilbers present, Reeve Nichols presid4nc .
1.1oved 'by Ccuncillors Trull' and Thompson that the minutes of two
-orevious -eetinEs be ado-oted as read,
loved b- Smith and Thornpscn that General Accounts in the a-mourt- 3-f
�' 5L7L.89 be passed as presented,
59-5-� Moved by Councillors Trull and Thon-mson that Road Accco,.:nts in the
a�, o-'.in-, of 3 , J7,2 be passed as presented.
Fa:_-1�-L '117oved by De-Q)xty Reeve -Rickard and Councillor Thompson that C.A,
!,v:eadows � Associates be, and are hereby authorized to proceed with the re-des':fining
of a grade separation Structure at the C. ,T). Crossincr at Courtice 7Rcad in Concession
n-, Darl i rc-,ton.
lvlo-,,red b.,., Councillors Smith and Trull that Dep. Reeve Rickard and
C , z 1-1 or Th Or -;be appon�-d as 'hi s Tow _,nsh- ' s ReOre Sen-�-atives to 'he Lake
ourcL -
Ontario De-,;-eloprnent _Lssociation®
lby Councillors Smith and Thompson that 1,,=han County High
School Bbara; be notified that in view of 'he proposal to divide the High Scj;ool
District, before Counties Council, it would be inadvisable to proceed with new
b-,aila-LnE, at -oresent.
7 _Koved b%, De-o, Reeve Rickard and Co-ancillo-1- Trull- that charges be
laid agains-1 the cl,,,iner of a truck who 3=ped garbage on a public roadway.
111oved by Councillor Thompson and Trull that Road Supt. be authorized
to purchase a level with tri-cod for the use of the Roads Dept.
I.,loved by Councillor 'Llorns-pon and Dep. Reeve Rio'kard that an old
grader be sold to Harold Skinner for "310.00.
59-5-1 Moved by Dep. -Reeve Rickard and Councillor Thompson that Douglas Kemp
be appointed to Darlin-aton. Township Planning Board for a three year term.
Elo�,--_d by Dep. 'reeve Rickard and Councillor Trull that Clerk be
authorized to order from Bell Telephone Co. a t,5%,o-line service, with visual si,7nals.
Moved by Councillor Thompson and 'Councillor Snaith that the Clerk be
authorized to attend Convention, on the first week in September.
59-5-15 _7;'loved 'by Col-Lncillors Smith and Trull that, subject to the approval
of t're Ontario 1,11unicipal Board, tentative approval be, and is hereby given, to the
proposal of the Trustee Board of S.S. I'To. 20, Darlin-crton, to build and equip a
one-roora addition to the school in S.S..4` 20 and that this Coup-oil will, on approval
of the Ontario Ivlunici-oal Board,, raise, by the issue aT_d sale of Debentures, a sum
not exceedirc7 r 25000.00 s,_72ficiest for the corrolet-ion of the project.
Moved by Councillors Trull and Smith that By-law -or the authorization
to borrow uoon debentures o, ,-zL5000-00 for Public School purposes be given its third
reading and ordered signed, sealed and numbered 2101.
Page 2 Ilay 7, 1959-
53-5-15 -I?Ioved -b-,T Councillors '-null and Th,-)in-gson that a letter be sent to
the ToE-vnshi-,o Area School Board aski-c- for info=uation as to the -crogress of the
renovation at 9.S.No. L.
!,loved b,r Dep. Reeve Pickard and Councillor Tho.mrDson that Co'.,Lncillolrs
Tnu,ll and Smith -be a committee to check welfare accounts on the first and thi--a
Thursda- each month, and that all are acco;jnts must 'be approved by this Coinmittee
before payment, except that in the case o" an extreme e-mercrency, the rtelf are Officer
is authorized to grant an inte.-L-m allowance o-P �)'20.00.
Clerk was instructed to check Council' s authority to have fire
hazards re-Moved by b-,-arnin7 o-rass, investi,crate grass (fires, enQ-iire as to extending
Hampton Street Area, and prepare 3y-law for Through Highway at Gordon Baker
Tyleelin,r adiotaxned.
. . y. . ... .... .... . .. . . . .. . . .
Reeve Clerk®