HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 07-02-59 HAMPTON, July 2, 1959. Darlington Township Council met in the Council Chambers, Hampton, on the above date with all members present, Reeve Nichols presiding. 59-7-1 Moved by Councillors Trull & Thompson that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as read. 59-7-2 Moved by Councillors Smith & Thompson that General Accounts Totalling $9,267.36 be paid as presented. 59-7-3 Moved by Councillors 'gull & Thompson that Road Accounts Totalling 455,679.29 be paid as presented. 59-7-4- Moved by Councillor Thompson and Deputy Reeve Rickard tYa t the Townshipts insurance coverage be renewed and increased as recommended in a brief submitted by the Frank Cowan Co., on this date, with the exception that no coverage be placed on the Fire Erigade. Representatives of the Darlington Ratepayers Association attended the meeting, and invited Council to a public meeting to be held on Saturday, June 11, at 8 P.M. Clifford Pethick discussed with council the matter of supply#,g water for fire-fighting 59-7-5 Moved by Councillors Smith & Thompson that tb� clerk be instructed to prepare a supplementary Road By-Law in the amount of 4115,000.00, and that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the Ry-Law and submit ft for approval. 57-7-6 Moved by Councillors Thompson and Smith WMAS the Corporation of the Township of Darlington has assumed and expended public funds on Lynwood Avenue according to registered Plan No. 6 ,,j Z AND T?EAS Elmer Pollard has applied to the Township to close the northerly part thereof as hereinafter described, NOW T EREFOpE BE, IT NESOLVED that the Clerk be authorized to give notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington will give consideration to the passing of a by-law to stop and close up the north 108 feet more or less of Lyntcood Avenue, lying immediately west of Lot 32, according to registered Plan 6 Part of original Township Lot 29 in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Darlington,, more particularly described as COMENCING At the South West angle of Lot 32, according to Plan 62-3 fi,I, THENCE Westerly in a straight line a distance of 66 feet 5 inches more or less to the South East angle of Lot 41 according to the registered plan 615 which is situate in the western limit of Lynwood Avenue; - 2 �- 59-7-6 Cont'd THENCE Northerly in and along the western limit of Lynwood Avenue and the Eastern limit of Lot 4.1., Plan 645, 102 feet 2 inches to the North East angle of said Lot 41.; THENCE Easterly a distance of 66 feet more or less to the North Fest angle of said Lot 32, Plan 623; 2 rte. THENCE Southerly in and along the western limit of said Lot 32 and the Eastern limit of Lynwood Avenue 108 feet 2 inches to the Point of Commencement, at any time after the 6th day of August, 1959, by having such notice published once a week for four successive weeks in the Oshawa Times and further by posting up such a notice for at le*At one month in six of the most public places in the immediate neighbourhood, 59-7-7 Moved by Councillors Smith & Trull that a Committee of Adjustment for this Township be hereby constituted and that the following persons be appointed; for one year,; Elmer Pollard and Robt. Tremble, for two years, Morley Lyman and Ropy McGill, for three years Chas* Osborne. 59-7-8 Moved by Councillors Trull and Smith that the Deputy Reeve and Clerk be authorized to visit officials of the Government to ascertain what support is being given to the proposal to establish a mission at Lots 28 and 29 B-.F. 59-7-9-10-11 As per motions attached a Fly-Law to authorize the payment of an annual allowance to -members of Council was given its several read- ings and ordered signed, sealed, and numbered 2127. 59-7-12-13-14 As per motions attached, a By-Law to amend by-Law 2111, was given its several readings and ordered, signed, sealed and numbered 2126. On motion the meeting adjourned to the call of the Reeve. Reeve Clerk