HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10-01-59 i I Hampton, October 1, 1959® Darlington Toianship Council met in the Council Chambers on the above date. All members -present, Reeve Nichols presiding. 59-10-1 Moved by Councillors Smith and Thompson that the minutes of the previous -n6et _ng be adopted as read. 59-10-2 11oved by Councillors Trull and Smith that the C-eneral Account in the amount of x.4-,737®39, be passed as presented. 59-10-3 I'oved by Councillor Smith and Deputy Reeve Rickard that the Welfare Account in the amount of n1,393.21, be -passed as presented. 59-10-L Loved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Smith that the Roads account in the, amount of 16,953.08, be passed as presgmted. Messrs. Yarnell and Wiserer a_tended Council re® purchase of Road Allowance on Townline East in the 6th Concession, Clerk will G? twin legal opinion and reuort. 59-10-5 Roved by Councillors Thompson and Smith that Clerk contact the Fire I1larshal°'s office and ask him to inspect the B'urketon School. 59-10-6 Moved by Deouty Reeve Rickard and Councillor Thompson that whereas the Board of Trustees of the Durham County District has applied to the I;sunicioal Councils having jurisdiction in the said Districtfor the Lisue of debentures in an amount estimated to be $810,000.00 repayable over a period of twenty years, to provide for the cost of constructing a 500 Pupil school in Darlington, and a 150 pupil school in Millbrook. Be it resolved that the Council of the, Corporation of T'ownshdp of Darlington beMrxanicipality included in the said District, hereby approves the said application and agrees to assume its proper proportion of the amounts required to pay for said debentures interest thereon and the expenses connected therewith, to be determined from time to time in the manner -provided by the Secondary School Act. Be it further resolved that the Council of the Corporation of Torn- ship of Darlington hereby request the Council of the Corporation of the United Co,L:nties of Northumberland and Durham to raise the entire estimated sum of X810,000.00 renuired for the purposes aforesaid by the issue of debentures of the Corporation of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. 59-10-7 Moved by Councillors Smith and Trull that whereas this Council of the Cor-poration of Township of Darlington has passed the resolution concerning the issue of debentures by the United Counties for the ` donstruction of a500 pupil school in Darlington and 150 pupil school in Millbrook, be it further resolved that the Durham. County District High School Board be granted permission_ to engage architects and purchase sites for the above projects® - 2 - 59-10-8,9,10 On Motions as attached, a by-law to impose a special rate on -.he By-law 2133 property of R. B. Brown, was give, its several readings, and ordered signed, sealed, and numbered 2133. 59-10-11,12,13 On ivlotions as attached, a by-law to impose a special rate on the By-law 213L; property of N. J. Metcalf, in Lot 20, Concession 1, was given its several readings, and ordered signed, sealed, and numbered 213L. 59-10-1L_,15 On Motions as attached, a by-law to authorize borrowing on By-law 2135 debentures for the purpose of raising Township's share of the cost of c-)nstructing an addition to the Bou�manville Hospital, was given its first, and second readings. 79-10-16 Hoved by Councillors Thompson and Trull that the Resolution #1 � .�d a passed June 15, 1955, concerning; the $L�O0.00 laseparation tax be rescinded -, and collections discontinued as of this date. 59-10-17 Moved by Councillors Smith and Thompson that the Clerk and Solicitor be instructed to prepare amending legislation to have Lot 9, Plan 650, rezoned from Residential to C1. 59-10-18 11oved by Councillors Thompson and Trull that Mr. Thompson and the Caretaker be authorized to purchase a vaccum cleaner for the ?v?unici-oal Buildings. 59-10-19 Moved by Councillors Thompson and Smith that this Council adjourn for ten minutes. 59-10-20 ,loved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Trull that Clerk contact I;Ir. S. E. White reg Hancock Tnslzrance Claim. 59-10-21 Moved by Councillors Thompson and Trull that all School B'oa_rds be requested to inspect their school buildings with the view to eliminate fire hazards and providing fire extinguishers where necessary® 59-10-22 Moved by Councillors Thompson and Smith that notice be given in Oshawa and B'ov✓,nanville papers that Dog Control By-law is noir in effect. 59-10-23 Moved by Councillors Thompson and Smith that the zoning by-law be spelled out to make it clear that a bona fide farmer may sell his farm and retain a minimum lot of 100 x 200 lot and build for himself a minimum house of 900 square feet. Also that a farmer' s sons or daughters be permitted to have a lot off the farm of .minimum size 100 x 200 feet and build a house with a minimum floor area of 1050 square feet. 59-10-24_ Moved by Councillors Smith and Trull that the Ontario Irlater Resources Commission be asked to examine plans for water and sewer services made some years ago. 59-10-25 Moved by Deputy ?peeve Rickard and Councillor Smith that Mr. Geo. Totten be asked to prepare a plan for a four-bay garage on Township lot and submit them as soon as possible, plans to be prepared after a meetinn between Mr. Totten and the building committee. - 3 - 59-10-2E Mo,,ed by Councillor Snaith ard deputy Reeve Rickard that Council inspect Township Roads with Road Superintendent during the week of October 26. 59-10-27 Moved by Councillors Thompson and Trull that Darlington Planning 731oard be advised that plans should not be made for housing in the south- west part of Lot 35, Concession 2, until studies of future roadvaays can be planned,, and that Te Km Stevuart, Pm Ce Crome, and A. Am 'hard be asked to investigate a future road.vay joining Bloor Street and lst line and rna?re re commendat i oris 59-10-28 Meeting adjol=ned to the call of the Reeve. / e om o m e o e o e o o s.a s~m o m o o m o m moemo0 omo a me m . Rye e Clerk m