HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-01-14 - Meeting Minutes Page Two s 2 - 60-1-10 Koved by Councillors Smith and Cornish that the Clerk be hereby instructed to prepare a I3y-1atry appointing V. R. P`_ckell, 'Meed Inspector for this Township Por the year 1960, at the following rate; : 100.00 plus .086 per ?dile. F0-1_11 Moved by Councillors Smith and T1uir tlii;t the matter of Warble Fly inspection and spraying be referred to the Agriculture Committee. 60-1-12 ',loved by Councillors ITuir and Smith that appointments to Community Centre Boards be referred to the Property CO+am?_ tee for report. 60-1-13 T'Ioved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Councillor i:Iuir that the appointment of a !,Velfare Administrator be ret'erred to the Legislate on and By-laws Committee for report. 60-1-11� '!loved by Councillors Muir and Smith that G. B. Rickard or A. L. Blanchard and the Treasurer be authorized to siun cheques on all Township Accounts. 60-1-15 Trloved by Councillor Smith and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that Rule 33, be suspended for the duration of this meetin,. 60-1-16,1?,18 On .lotions as filed, a_ by-lavv to authorize the borrowing of :300,000-00 from the Bank of ''Montreal was ,riven its several readin-s and ordered signed, sealed, and numbered 2139. 60-1-19 shoved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Councillor Muir that the Reeve and Treasurer be, and are, her:-�bv authorized to sign semi-monthly salary and wages cheques in accordance with schedule provided for same by this Council. 60-1-20 lloved by Councillors Smith and i0luir that ;Jelfare Accounts, in the amount Of til,034-.85, be paid as presented. 60-1-21 Moved by Councillor Cornish and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that S. E. White be ren tested to re-open the T1. 'uncork cattle d:,mage case. 60-1-22 Irloved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Councillor Cornish that Reeve and Clerk be authorized to attend the convention of the Association of Rural 11unicipalities, and that the annual fee to the Association be paid. 015.00) 60-1-23 Moved by Councillors Smith and Muir that the annual fee for membershipL in the Association of Assessin,7, Officers be paid. 60_1-2L '!lolled by Councillors Smith and Cornish that Clerk be instructed to apply for approval of a I-'inter Work Project in the amount of 13,500-00 60_1_25 ''loved by Councillors Smith and Muir that B. A. Varcoe be paid $100.00 per month as Assistant Welfare Officer until a permanent appointment is made. 60-1-26 I'+loved by Councillor Muir and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that this Council pe-itior_ the Ontario Depa_rment of Highwatis for preliminary approval of the purchase of a truck equiped for sanding. 60-1-27 ?'Moved by Councillor Smith and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that this meeting adjourn to January 14, at 1:30 P.M. .. . Reeve Clerk t`ti R\�