HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-38-00 ....'),. "" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Meeting: REPORT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # ~ Date: SEPTEMBER 5, 2000 Res. Cfll- 37r~o Report No.: WD-38-00 Our File: C.Ol.Ol.Ol By-Law # Subject: APPLICATION TO STOP-UP AND CLOSE AND AUTHORIZE CONVEYANCE OF A PORTION OF ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS 1 AND 2, LOT 1, FORMER CLARKE TOWNSIDP Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-38-00 be received; 2. THAT Part 1, Plan 40R-XXX (shown on the Key Map - Attaclunent No.1), being part of the unopened road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2 in Lot 1, former Township of Clarke, be declared to be surplus property; 3. THAT Staff be authorized to advertise a public hearing required by the Municipal Act to stop-up and close and authorize conveyance of the unopened portion of the road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2 in Lot 1, former Township of Clarke, to Mrs. Ann Simpson; 4. THAT the total selling price of the surplus lands (part 1, Plan 40R-XXX) be established at $18,000 plus all costs associated with the transaction; 5. THAT if, following the public hearing, Council approves the by-law to stop-up, close and convey Part 1, Plan 40R-XXX, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents to complete the transaction; 6. THAT the CIeri<: obtain written approval of the by-law to close and convey Part 1, Plan 40R- XXX, by registered mail, from the Region of Durham; and 1109 , REPORT NO.: WD-38-00 PAGE 2 7. THAT Mrs. Ann Simpson be advised of Council's decision. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.1: Key Map No.2: Application to Stop-up and Close Part 1, Plan 40R-XXX from Ann Simpson No.3: Statement of Appraised Market Value No. 4: Waiver signed by Laureen Whitney No.5: Correspondence from Planning Department dated March 23,2000 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Application to Close and Convey Road Allowance to Mrs. Ann Simpson Mrs. Ann Simpson owns the triangular shaped property immediately south of the subject unopened road allowance (Attaclunent No.1). There is insufficient property to acquire a building permit. If the parcel ofland, which is presently road allowance, is merged with the land owned by Mrs. Simpson, the land area will be sufficient to qualify for a building permit. 2.2 Preliminary Review and Disposal of the Road Allowance The Public Works Department reviewed the subject road allowance to determine future needs and uses of the property. The subject property is the unopened Concession Road just north of, and runs almost parallel to, the Old Highway No.2. The unopened road intersects with the Boundary Road between the former Township of Clarke and Hope Township. It is therefore very unlikely that this road allowance would be required for municipal purposes. 2.3 Abutting Properly Owners Laureen Whitney is the property owner immediately north of the subject property. Laureen Whitney has signed a Waiver (Attaclunent No.4) declining her option to purchase the north half of Part 1 and has no objection to the north half of Part 1 being conveyed to Mrs. Ann Simpson. 1110 ~ , REPORT NO.: WD-38-00 PAGE 3 2.4 Circulation of the Application to Agencies and Authorities Comments from the Planning Department outline some restrictions to development of the lands, but they do not object to the proposal. A copy of these comments has been provided to the applicant (Attaclunent No.5). 2.5 i\ppraisal The Appraised Market Value for Part I, to be conveyed to Mrs. Ann Simpson, is $18,000. The applicant has agreed to pay the Appraised Market Value as stated in the appraisal dated May 16, 2000, plus all costs. 3.0 CONCLUSIONS 3.1 Since the Public Works Department has determined that the subject road allowance will not be required as part of the Municipality's transportation system, the subject section of the road allowance is considered to be surplus. The applicant has agreed to pay the appraised value of the land plus costs and has executed an Indemnity Agreement, satisfactory to the Director of Public Works. It is, therefore, recommended that a public meeting be advertised to consider the closure and conveyance of the subject road allowance to Mrs. Ann Simpson. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works cJ~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer JCO*SA V*ce 23/08/00 1 11 LOT 1 l CON. 2 Part 1 of Whitney _ Plan 40R- property ~ ~ I ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS 1 AND ~ ~ ~ \ ~ast.,. 'OWnf i ~ S. / Impson property H: IghWay N ----------. 0.2 ~ ~ FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE LOT 1 CON. 1 , .1 (/ I; I I II I I,~~ ~r ~ I C ~I ~ . w 1'1 ~~~ s .) --=lr CLAR E JJ i SUBJE SITE highway 2 ORAWN BY: J.R.M II H;ghway401 1,1 I._._.----! co"~..onRd1 ,I !I11~ll---,I, rEPORT WD-38-00 ~TTACHMENT NO.1 1 i i i ~ o ::r: LL o a... 5: C/) ~ ~ 1__ OATE: JUNE 2000 .______c__-__._..______..___. ______.__..:....J.L(., '<::1 "...... i -<"//-, ;_..::J~H "2 0111\1 QAi-. \ ..~---, r-'-'--'---'-'-~ , , \ -- ..-.,...~._--~-----'! j'~~_c_'~'_ ~______'_ _.... ....-. APPLICATION IF6R.-RbAD--CL6SURE-~:.CONVE!}.lil'CE L :ce"... _. I, _:"" ._ ._~....~--'-......o'; nr'" n , ;,:':L L U ,.-.- (.: _n.~, APPLICANT, APPLICANT INFORMATION iU/~JN i #nA , (~-~~ ".c ~ v PART A .. DATE, STREET, C;;y~ CITY/TOWN, PROVINCE, ~ NO., 7t1r -7ti, -2732....- POSTAL CODE: TELEPHONE PART B .. DESClUPTION OF LANDS (Petitioners: Use separate sheet) RE, MUNICIPAL ROAD ALLOWANCE/RIGHT-OF-WAY KNOWN AND DESCRIBED AS, /l/ I, Town/Township, (,/ d ;-/( e-. Concession: / Being Lot(s) If;;''';- I ,//11 Between Concession(s) . I Or Block(s) According To Original Plan PART C - APPLICATION TO CLOSE OR CLOSE AND CONVEY :J ..-:] I/We ~ /~ I being the owner/owners of pro erty abutting the Muni pal Road Allowance/Right-of-way as described above, do hereby request to have said road allowance closed and/or closed and conveyed in accordance with the Municipality's Policy for Road Closures and according to the Municipal Act, Section 297, c.M.45, R.S.O. 1990. PART D - CONFIRMATION OF OWNERSHIP i) I/We. the undersigned, being the owner/owners of property abutting the municipal lands described above, acknowledge and agree that ownership of the lands described in Part B is vested solely in the Municipality of Clarington. ii) I/We, the undersigned, do hereby confirm that I/We, have undisputed ownership of the lands abutting the Road Allowance/Right-of-way described in Part B. PART E - APPLICANT'S AGREEMENT TO PAY COSTS I/We, the undersigned, agree to pay all costs associated with the closure and/or closure and conveyance prior to the passing of the by-law and in accordance with the Municipality's Policy for Road Closure and Conveyance. - 16 - I) ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: WD-38-00 APPLICATION FOR ROAD CLOSURE AND CONVEYANCE Page 2 PART F - LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS ABUTTING .ROAD ALLOWANCE/RIGHT-OF-WAY DESCRIBED IN PART B NAME: -tl Vr e "-11 lj)h/tn,,/ .:;::' 7J.~~/'!~ / ~. ROLL NO.: NAME: /\.~ ,/-<'~ l.{)j, ~~ 5 _~"7;t::; ~ . d.t> 'I] J-'I- ~. ?-J- )J ../r- ADDRESS: Kif#: 'I f{2/? .~ ADDRESS: ROLL NO.: ABUTTING PART(S) : ABUTTING PART (S) : ************************************.****************************************** NAME: NAME: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: ROLL NO.: ROLL NO.: ABUTTING PART(S) : ABUTTING PART(S): ******************************************************************************* SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: /') '-"'" ~ DATE: 1" TELEPHONE: '7 () <,- - 7 5'" 6' - 2.. 7 3 L. Wi-< IT Nf.'1 ?< ~~SDN I ," lei ~.? / J-kj'<- t-7 - 17 - 1 4 1 I I ] I I I ] U I I a II I I n ~ . . 2 May 18,2000 Janet C. O'Neill, Administrative Secretary to the Director of Public Works, Municipality of Clarington, 40 T e/\IJ'<'Hua.;d Street, Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 Dear Mrs. O'Neill: Re: Hypothetical Limited Scope Appraisal of the Market Value of the Real Property known as the unopened road allowance, between ColllXSSions I and 2 in Lots 1, in the rorme.r Township of Clarke, Now in the,MunicipaIity ofC1arington, Region of Durham, Province of Ontario In accordance with your request, T have completed a Limited Scope appraisal of the HYPOTHETICAL market value of the property rights attached to the herein described flIO_ll' to assist in establishing a va1ue to sell the property. Tbis appraisal is hypotbetical in that tbe subject property Ul an unopened nllId allowance and bas no feasible developmeat potential as a stand alone property. It is apprailed as land for lot enlargement for tbe abntting property to tbe sontb, legally described as Part 1, Plan 40R 14025. Witb tbe subject property land area used for lot enlargemeat, the ablltting property land area win be inenalflf from a parcel of a size witb no praetieallllle to a puceI large enouP in overan size to be ..Hable for Dse as a residential building lot for a siqIe .....,. residential dweling. H tbe subject property is not joined to the abutting property ... lot enlargement, the subject property is not suitable as a building lot and the value estimate berein could be substantially different from aetual market value. I have made a personal cursory inspection of the property and have given due COnsidbabuu to the fuctors and forces which influence the property value at the su~ location. This /ow1..;....! ~ subject to the attached Asswnptions and Limiting Conditions. Further, it is assumed that the suiject property does not suffer from the effects of environm:ntal contamination. If the property ~ ~ to be envirornnenta11y contaminated, the estimate herein could be substantially affected. . ....(continued on next page) iJ ATTACHMENT NO.: 3 REPORT NO.: WD-38-00 - .~~"~':"-. 3 This Limited Scope Restricted Report is oot to be regarded as a comprehensive or self- contained appraisal as the full extent of the appraisal process will oot be apparent to the reader in the contents of this report. This report may oot be understood properly without additional infunnation in the work file of the appraiser. In addition, a more thorough investigation of the developmellt costs of the comparable property sa1es could result in a diffiaoM va1ue ~ than as stated herein. Because land developmmt is usually speculative in nature, it is oot always possible to accurately predict developmellt related costs. This appraisal report has been prepared exclusively fur selling purposes only. I am oot aware of any third parties that are likely to see or rely on thi<i report: liability in thi<i respect or any other use is expressly denied. As of the date ofthi<i report, I have completed the requiremmts of the cmrent l""",tifi,.;,.tion cycle of the Appraisal Institute of Canada. The subject property was analyzed by the Direct Comparison Approach. A ......._.-y of the property data lIn~ is contained on pages 11 and 12 ofthi<i report. The properties lIIIIIiy2Jld are considered to be the best available properties fur comparison. No other approaches to va1ue are considered to be appropriate fur this appraisal ""';K''''oeat. This appramJ does oot affix or set the price of the property, but offers only a supportable opinion as to the preseat worth of anticipated benefits subject to in"""tl11l:aJt risk, measured mainly by the market data available at the valuation date. This appraisal includes real estate only. All other classes of property were excluded. As a result of my investigations and findings, it is my opinion that the bypotbetical "Market Va1ue" as defined herein of the subject property as held in the Fee Simple Interest as at May 16, 2000 is EIGHTEEN rnOUSAND DOLLARS ($18,000). Respectfully Submitted, Durham Appraisal Services Inc. A2.~ Don Smitb, AACI, FRI, CMR 10 ;~~.~ 3"t,C )<:U....:.. .',:::.1 -:-:-;-~ ''-''J..\.,-,l.<...r ",'''".<.A..anp.--'1<.-;-)< .,' ':~'~?g\n. QI~ ,~-.- -. ------_:.:.._-.----- ---- , W AIVE~ .::': ,~ r,'.,,'l !',-- .----.- ....rL _ V _,-,...0.. ' '---------------. - --------- TO: Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3A6 - , >... . ,!. ---.-----. ---'---.1- .., . FROM: Laureen Whitney RR # j? J 4828 Hwy. # 2 ]',r.. . loAlle, Ontario l~tl ":;' /? 7 ,//-~- /-j--- / / LJ '.' __ .-> ~' / /f ; ? .- RE: MUNICIPAL ROAD ALLOWANCE/RIGHT OF WAY KNOWN AS A PORTION OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSION 1 AND 2 IN LOT 1, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE SHOWN AS PART 1 I, the undersigued, being the owner of property abutting the road allowanceiright-of-way, as described above, do hereby waive all rights to title to: PART ION THE SURVEY SKETCH, TO WHICH WE WOULD BE ENTITLED, ACCORDING TO THE MUNICIPAL ACT, S.297 s.302, c.M.45, R.S.O. 1990. I hereby affirm that we are in agreement with the closure and subsequent transfer into private ownership, of the subject road allowanceiright-of-way, and the undersigned that, upon such action being completed, the persons acquiring the lands will be fully and legally entitled to fence same. Dated this 7, 7 ~ day of , 2000; and Signed: ,:-,-~c,-~ ---- /i. ,t Laureen Whitney I / ATTACHMENT NO.: 4 REPORT NO.: WD-38-00 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Memorandum~'c------r-""""" " ~r ._______.~:r('l-' \ -",.,',' i :\' .~,'" ,.; ,........-----...-- ----. . ..--.' - _. ...--.__._~--- From: , .- --.--------j Jan C. O'Neill, Administrative Assistant, f,'nb!iccW\Jlk, , ,'".' -. . ~ '.--- -.-.-.------.,---.- 5 .... 'r,i ':"' ,__~::.,_,.- T ; ;.....,...t ....'''....0 Larry Taylor, Manager, Development Review-BFafieb--i UU"' , , --","""".--~~....".~~----_..~ " r-~-'--'-"---'-' ... ~~AR 2 4 ZG2Q ~:~=.:._.___._.____,___ To' 1 '" . "~ ~ '_;" ---'..._--------- d-' ~. .:,,-----..--.- .'.---' ,--.- .._"._, . :.~ Date: March 23,2000 Subject: APPLICATION TO CLOSE AND CONVEY THE ROAD ALLOWANCE IN LOT I, BETWEEN CONCESSIONS 1 AND 2, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE YOUR FILE: C.01.01.01 Further to your memorandum dated March 20, 2000, it is staffs understanding that the application proposes to close that portion of the road allowance shown as part 1 on the attached survey plan and meld it with the property to the south. In consideration of your request, the following is offered for your information and records. The property in question is designated "Green Space" on the Land Use Schedules within the Municipality's Official Plan. Furthermore, the Natural Features and land Characteristics Map indicates the lands are surrounded by a Tableland Woodlot. Provisions within the Plan recognize that notwithstanding the permitted uses in any land use designation, where a legally conveyable lot existed prior to the approval of the plan, policy would permit one single family detached dwelling per lot provided: . drilled wells and private sewage disposal systems can be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Region of Durham; . development does not adversely impact natural features; . it is not located on lands designated Environmental Protection; and . it conforms to all provisions of the zoning by-law in effect at the time of a building permit application. Within the Municipality's Comprehensive Zoning By-law the lands are located with the (A-I) Agricultural Exception Zone. Included within the list of permitted uses is a detached dwelling. The siting of any dwelling is subject to the setback requirement ofthis zone. In light of the above, staff would have no objections or further comments on the application as filed. crfr LDT*cc 1, 0 ATTACHMENT NO.: 5 REPORT NO.: WD-38-00