HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 02-01-62 Hampton, February lst, 1962.
Darlington Township Council ret in the Municipal Building on
this date with all members present, Reeve Ricea.rd presiding.
62-2-1 ' Moved by Councillors Cornish a.nd Smith that the minutes of the
meeting of January Lath, 1962, be alteredin the case of Res . 62-1-7,
so that the paragraph following the ri�iotlon shall read 1�TP1_oved by Councillor
Cornish a.nd Councillor Smith th�.t this Council does not concur TM:ith the
resolution as presented by L.0.r.r_. TT, and that the paragraph as printed
be c:_eleted.
62-2-:2 PfToveu' by Councillors Cornish grid Smith that the minutes of the
meeting of January Lith, 1962 be adopted as corrected.
Moved. by Councillor lduir and. Deputy Reeve Blanchard that the
minutes of the meetings of January 10th, and January 23rd be adopted
as read.
62-2-4 1 owed by Deputy Reeve Blanha.r•d and Councillor Smith that
General cccounts in the amount of12,774.94 be paid as presented.
62-2-5 iIoved by Councillors Smith and CorAsh that the petition
presentee?. by F. P .rtner, be referred to the Road Committee with the
recommendation that the proposal be included in the 1962 road progr:-.Trme.
62-2-6 Moved by Councillors Cornish and. Smith that Council recess for
10 minutes.
Council resumed at 3.45 p.m.
62-2-7 loved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Councillor Cornish that
�6100.OG°fie granted to the Salvation Army.
02-2-G I-loved by Councillor Muir and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that the
Clem --rite to the Department of L=nds and Forests asking if the Dept.
would object to the proposal to close Townline Rd.. South, and also inform
11r. Beeton that the Tos,tnship is in favour of the proposal.
62-2-9 Hoved by Councillors Cornish and Smith that the letter frogs
Oshawa 111arELsmens Club be referrer_ to the Roars Committee.
62-2-10 Moved by Councillors Cornish and. Smith that 1962 levy to Oshawa
Regional Association be paid.
62-2-11 1,1oved. by Councillors Smite. and 'Muir that the letter from Osha,,Ta
Hosoital Buildinw Fund Committee be referred to the Finance Committee
for study.
62-2-12 moved by Councillors Muir and Smith that the Reeve be a delegate
to the Mayors 2r, Reeves Convention.
62-^-13 Tvloved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Councillor Cornish that
Councillor Muir be a delegate to the Ontario Sclxool Trustees and Rate-
payers Convention, and that the rssociations membership fee (,x+25.00) be
12ovec by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Co�ar�ci llor CDrnish that
the ordering of fixtures for ?counting flags in the Council Chamber be
referred to the property committee.
62-2-15 ijioved by Councillor Cornish and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that a
letter from the Department of Health re Cemeteries be referred to the
Property Committee.
62-2-16 Moved by Councillors Muir and Smith that correspondence not
otherhise dealt with be received and filed.
62-2-17 Moved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Councillor Bair that road
accounts in the amount of ,f 10.12 ,be raid as presented.
62-2-13 Moved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard. and Councillor vluir that rule
33 be suspended for the duration of this meeting.
6-12-2-19120521 On motions as filed a by-law to set date and plc ce of regular
Council meetings tiaras given its several readings and signed, sealed and
numbered ;x:207.
62-2-22 Moved by Councillor Muir and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that this
Council petition the Ontario Dei argent of Hightirays for payment of
balance of 1961 Road subsidy.
62-?-23 Moved. by Councillors Smith and Cornish that the payment of
accounts to Kos-1-lar Construction for 58.,.539-09'
8,339.09'and to Jackson YDes
Associates :;279.42Npaid January 10th, 1962, be approved.
62-2-24 Moved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Councillor Iduir that the
Treasurer of this lo<<mship be, and is hereby authorized to transfer from
General funds to Debenture Account, the amounts shotim on the attached
schedule, the transfer to be made on the first day of each month in which
payment of principal and interest is due.
62.-2-ti5 'Moved by Councillors Iduir and, Smith that this Council petition
the Ontario Departirient of Highi ays for transfer of the following amounts .
(See belo��r)
02-2-26 Moved by Councillor lliuir and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that,
according to the ;provisions of By-la-,%r 217,, R. i,;. Pascoe is hereby
appointed to the Com~aittee of justment for a three-year terr,i to exjire
December 31st, 196 .
62-2-27 ?loved by Councillor Muir and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that a.
letter be sent to the Department of Highways re the ap,^lication for
.Base Line Developement Road.
02-2-2s Koved by Councillor Cornish and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that
this meeting adjourn to the call of the Reeve.
f s t .
Reeve Clerk
Supp. By-la�,i 2191 - Roads Construction
From Ro-d 10 - Lots 20-21, Con. 4 to Ro�_d 3, Lots 16-17, Con. 3 - A5000.00
From Road 13, Con. 2 (Hancock) to Lots 33-34, Con. 6 - 900.00
From Road 13, Con. 2 (Hancock_) to Lots 10-11, Con. 7 - 901"-).00
Iron Ro:�d 13, Con. ? (riancocu) to Lots I0-17, Con. 3 - 200.00
From the follo�jring:
Road 3, Con. 3 - 6700.00
Courtice Overpass - 1, 500,00
9th Line, Lots 28-29 - 600.00
Con. 5 2,2100.00
yo - Bricges Culverts Construction - Sump. BL:a -r 2191 - . 5000.00