HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 02-15-62 HAMIPT�0N 2 Februa 7 15, 19- 1-
Darlington Tow-nship Council met in the Munici,aal Buil?ing on t' is
date, all Members present, Reeve Rickard presiding.
62-2C-1 Moved by Councillor Cornish and_ Councillor Smith that the minutes
of the meetings of Feb. 1, and Feb. o, 1902, be approved as read.
h?- C Moved. by Councillors Muir and Cornish that Mr. �.." .Z arc, Dept.
of High.�rays, be asked to prepare tenders n(_9 Specification forms,
baser on a two-,;,heel wive true= in the r h
sit e�Lass �.s +, at on-lied
in 117101, -..nd t'r_a.t the call shall incluse provision for an alternative
bid on a c0riversi on front axle unit as an o;.;tioni.
:- 'C-3 moved by DeputTT Reeve B1=nchard and Councillor Smith that Mr.
Dept. O: HiE hways, be as.I_ed t0 prep-re tender an(_ specific---tion
forms for a. four-Y-rheel c°_-rive to=.der, ca �acity etc. to be specified by
the Roar Superintendent.
62-2:C-4 Moved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard. anO Councillor Smith that
Clifford Pethick be -oa.id at the rate of �_4.OJI per hour for supplying
water to firemen fi:;hting fires in Darlington To,,rrship.
o2-2C-5 Moved by Councillor Muir, seconded by Deputy Reeve Blanchard_
that the ?v'arb1e -1y Inspector be p-2id at the r_,te of 1. 50 Jer hou r plws
.1 der mile, ane that- the s-ra-,T true,:_ 70-_ p id 53.:)G per- hour Tor
truck -n(' driver, labour at reVu�_rr township rates .
-'C-" MovedMoved b-,T Councillors Smith _.nd. Cornish that the rates for
spra.vine cattle in 113,02 shall be, . 250 per head up to 25 anir :�-1s;
additional a_n1rr: is at . '206 per he ,.d, = n,C t% cwt the i1nimumh c' ssn�ra shall
be $2.03 er call.
62-2.0-7 Moved by Councillors Cornish an,",',- Smith that ro f-=thUr .:cork
be sone On the road bet'--Veen Lots & in Concession i, at present.
o2-2C Mover' by Councillor Cornish and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that the
To,rnsrinj s Solicitor, lir. Strike,and the Consultant, ;sir. Little, be
instructed to present the proposal outlinac. in Pir. Strike► s letter of
February 13, 190'2, to Mr. Lovekin, Solicitor for n lfred Alin.
b2-2C-� M1,oved by Councillor Muir and seconded by Deputy Reeve Blanchard
that a letter be sent to Mr. Rost. Coote stating that unless he files
full inforn, -tion as to the proposed re-zoning of his -Dropert r G'ithin
fourteen days of the date of the latter, action under the Dro isr{ons
of the `i o','nship° s Zoning By-1aw will be tc",iien.
Page 2. February 15, 1962 .
62-2C-10 Moved by Councillor Muir and seconded by Deputy Reeve Blanchard
that the meeting adjourn to Friday February 16, at 7.30 P.M.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .
Hampton, February 10, 1962.
Darlington To°,-,reship Council met in the :Municipal Building at
7.30 on this date, pursuant to the motion of adjournment on Feb. 15,
all Members present, Reeve Rickard presiding.
62-2D-1 Moved by Councillor Muir and seconded by Deputy Reeve Blanchard
that the By-laws Committee investigate the matter of the John Lyzanchuk
application to the Committee of _ijustLrent, and engage counsel if they
see fit.
62-2D-2 Loved by Deputy Reeve Blanc4art and Councillor Muir that Rule
33 be suspended for the duration of this meeting.
62-0-04. On motions as filed, a. By-lair to further amend By-law No. 2111,
as amended, was given first and second readings.
oma.-.c -
2D 5 Moved by Councillor Muir and seconded by Deputy Reeve Blanchard
that the proposed By-law to re-zone the property being purchased by the
Oshawa Missionary College, be referred to ?fir. Strike for comment, before
the third reading.
62-2D-6 Moved by Councillors Cornish and Muir that Oshawa Missionary
College be notified that they are expected to ossume all costs connected
with the re-zoning of the property being purchased.
62-2D-7 Moved by Councillors Muir and. Cornish that the Road Superintendent
be authorized to hire a boo!-keeper for the Roads Department, at the
hourly rate being, paid to occasional office help.
62-0-8 Moved by Councillor Muir and seconded by Deputy Reeve Blanchard
that the roads rate for 1962 be set at lc mills.
62-2y-�l Moved by Councillors Cornish and Smith that, effective immediately, all
cheques will be issued on the day following the first and third Thursday
of the month.
On motions as filed a. By-lent to appoint a Warble Fly Inspector
was given its several readings and signed, sealed and numbered 2208 .
Page 3. February 16, 1962.
62-2D-10 Moved by Councillors Cornish and Smith that the Members of
Court of Revision for 1962 shall be G.B.Rickard.7 .L.Blanchard, Fred G.
Smith, Si'ne? Cornish.7 and ua.rold Muir, and that the Council now adjourn
and that a setting of the Court of Revision be held.
February 16, 1962.
Moved by ivir. Cornish an:1 seconded. by Mr. Smith that the amount
of 1961 tares on builc.irng assessment levier. against Ja:_mes D. e'er=uson
Lot 1'J, Concession 7, being
moi), be cancelled, Said buildings
}laving been destro-re(- b-T fire in December 1960.
Moved. by Hr. Blanchard and seconded by Mr. Smith that the meeting
a d' ourn.