HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes -03-30-62 I f Iia oton, M,° rch 30th, 1902. Darlington ToTjns?n_i p Council met in the Municipal Building on this date kTith all members present, Reeve Ric--t-ard _�resi ding. 62-3 F-1 Hoved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Councillor Smith that rule 33 be suspended for the duration of this meeting. -2,3 &, 1j On _�L-otions as filed, a BTl-laT,._ to provide for the expenditure I of P`150,000.00 on Toi,?nship Roads was given three readings and signed, sealed, and numbered 2211.` Moved by Councillors Cornish and Snaith that this council assures the Building Inspector, E. 1'_. Varcoe, o- its full support in enforcing the building and. -oning By-laws, and that he is expected to do so. 62-3F-6,7 8 On motions as filed, a By-lair to a.p-�)ropriate certain sums to be raised by taxation in 19621 and to set mill rates therefor, was given three readings and signed, sealed, and numbered %.212. 62-37-9 1,1oved. by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Councillor 12,luir that the Ree ve and Clerk be, and are hereby authorized to execute an agreement ,,,-ith Gar-Jon Construction, Limited for the erection of a concrete culvert, contract C2-1C . o2-3F-1,11 � 12 On -motions as filed a By-law to authorize the widening of part of Courti ce Road and to provide for the expro,Driation of the lands necesscry therefor, was given three readings and. signed, sealed and nurdbered Moved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Councillor Cornish that this meeting adjourn to the call of the Reeve. ti ReXeve C lerY . . . m