HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 06-15-62 Hampton, June 15th, 1962. Darlington Township Council resumed the session adjourned from June 7th, at 1: 30 p.m. on this date, Deputy-Reeve Blanchard in the Chair to open the meeting in the temporary absence of Reeve Rickard, all other members Dresent. Ox- 6B-1 Moved by Councillors Muir and Smith that the tender for supply of a Power Loader Model 55 A G Michigan, submitted by Capital Construction Limited be not considered as the specifications do not meet those specified by the Township in that the bucket load is quoted at 7000 lbs. , and the motor at 75 H.P. 62-6B-2 Moved by Councillors Muir and Cornish that Merrill Brown, O.L.S. , be engaged to survey the Campbell property. At this point Reeve Rickard attended and assumed the chair. 62-6B-3 Moved by Councillor Muir and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that the sum of X5,000.00 be transferred from the programme of the original By-law from Ebenezer east construction to Middle Rd in Concession 4, Construction. 62-6B-4 Moved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Councillor Muir that rule 33 be suspended for the duration of this meeting. 62-6B-5 Moved by Councillors Smith and Muir that the Road Programme for By-law 2218 be approved as submitted. For the notion; Muir, Blanchard, Rickard and Smith. Against the motion; Cornish. 62-6B-6 Moved by Councillors Cornish and Muir that Council concur with the recommendation of Planning Board as regards Amendment No. 1 to the Official Plan of Darlington Planning Area. 62-6B-7,819 On motions as filed, a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 1 to the Official Plan of Darlington Planning Area was read a first, second, and third time and signed, sealed, and numbered 2217. 62-6B-10,11,12 On motions as filed a By-law to authorize a supplementary expenditure of $100,000.00 ��n Township roads in 1962 was recd a first, second, and third time, and signed, sealed, and numbered 2218.°/' 62-6B-13 Moved by Councillors Cornish and Smith that R. W. Pascoe be appointed a member of the Committee of Adjustment for Darlington Township, for a term to expire January lst, 1965. 62-6B-14 Moved by Councillor Muir and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that W. Harold Watson be appointed. to Darlington Planning Board to complete the unexpired part of Mr. Chas. Osborne' s term. 62-6B-15 Moved by Councillors Smith and Cornish that Mr. Riehl be authorized to advertise for an assistant to the Clerk-Treasurer and to receive applications for the position. 62-6B-16 Moved by Councillors Cornish and Smith that this meeting adjourn to the call of the chair. Reeve Clerk